“Ow!” I cried out again.

His voice was smooth and reassuring in my ear. “I know it hurts,” he said. “It’s supposed to. Just relax, let it pass.”

I tried to do what he said. I took a deep breath and tried to ignore the pain. It didn’t go away completely, but it turned into more of a dull ache.

“Good girl,” he said. Once again, the words had a profound effect on me. They made me stand just a little bit taller and prouder, despite being bent over Luke’s bed.

“Thank you,” I murmured. Suddenly, the clamps didn’t hurt at all. In a strange way, they felt comfortable.

Suddenly, unexpectedly, another bite. This one was on my upper back. I tensed a jumped, which brought a fresh wave of pain from my nipples.

“The Wartenberg wheel,” he explained, anticipating the question. “Also called a pinwheel.” I bit my lip as he traced my spine, biting into my flesh along whatever painful route he was taking. Hearing his speak as he did it was confusing, but it forced me to stay in the moment. The overall result was interesting, to say the least.

He continued explaining, his voice calm and measured. “It was originally designed to test neurological response.” He ran over my ass- still stinging from the strikes, which made it hurt even worse, then moved to my sensitive inner thigh. “While technology advanced, it’s still an effective way to... stimulate... the body. Don’t you agree?”

I nodded and made a sound through my gritted teeth. I could feel the endorphins starting to flood my body. It helped with the pain, but it also left me feeling like I was floating just a little bit. I was still in my body, I was fairly certain of that at least.

It took me a moment to realize that he pinwheel had stopped biting me. I didn’t really consider what that meant until I felt his hands on my breasts again. What now, they’re already on! my mind screamed. But I said nothing. I felt his fingers on my nipples, then felt the clamps loosen.

There was a fresh wave of pain radiating from my nipples as the circulation was restored. I breathed in sharply, but did as he had told me before. I relaxed, and l let the pain pass through me. I moved slowly, allowing Luke to reposition my body for whatever he had in mind next.

That position just happened to be on my back, on the bed. I knew what that meant. I sighed happily and spread my legs as wide as I could. “Are you going to have sex with me now?” I asked. I couldn’t tell if that was sexy or not, but I hoped that my visible and parted pussy would make up for the inexperience I clearly exuded.

Luke didn’t answer. I heard him move around the bed; felt him hold my hand and pull slightly. Something soft wrapped around my wrist.

He was tying me up. And I was letting him.

He tied my arms first, pulling them outward and securing them to the bed. Then my legs, forcing them apart just a little bit more.

Out of the silence came a sound. A rapid buzzing, like an angry insect. But I knew it wasn’t an insect at all. It was something that was going to feel incredible.

I was right. The moment the vibrator touched my clit, I jumped. The sensation was as incredible as it was surprising. He ran it from my clit, along my pussy lips, then slowly pressed it into me. I moaned; I think I said something, too, but I couldn’t quite be sure. The pain started to give way to pleasure once again as he fucked me with even, vibrating strokes of the toy.

“That feels so good,” I sighed happily. I was aware that I was bucking my hips to match his movements.

“Good,” he whispered, barely audible over the vibrator, despite my body muffling most of the sound. He started teasing my clit as he pushed the toy in and out of me.

Another moan escaped my lips. I pulled at the ropes as my orgasm started to build, but there was no give at all. All I could do was push my head back into his pillow and enjoy what he was doing to me. I could feel it- the climax. I was being pushed up a hill, and I knew there was a cliff just on the other side. I wanted to dive into whatever I’d find there. I tried to control my breathing; I had very little capability for thought left, but a small part of me reasoned that if he didn’t know I was about to cum, he’d let me.

He knew all the same. Somehow, Luke knew that I was about to cum. He pulled the vibrator out of me and stopped teasing my clit. Dammit.

“Please, Luke,” I managed to say. “Please, let me cum,” I begged. I was so close; my pussy felt so empty without the vibrator in it. It practically throbbed with raw, primal desire.

“Soon,” he promised.

I took a deep breath. If Luke said that it would happen soon, that would have good enough for me.

I had caught onto the pattern. Pain again. If the pattern held, pleasure would be next. I felt the sharp sting of his crop against my inner thigh. I yelped with the pain, knowing that more would follow. Luke knew all the most sensitive parts of my body, from my inner thigh to the side of my calf; he hit the back of my arm and, more gently, my breasts and chest. My nipples were still very sensitive, so even the light touches of the crop against them were excruciating.

As he continued, something remarkable happened. I began to float higher and higher. It was almost as though I had left my body, even though I could feel everything that was happening to me. It was exactly what Luke had prepared me for; the pain had brought me to an entirely new place. It was close to one that I had experienced at other times in my life when I was hurt, but the addition of near-orgasmic pleasure had made it altogether new. I could hardly think, and the only thing I knew for sure was that I wanted him to take me the rest of the way.

“I want you,” I slurred. I could feel the raw, physical need deep in the pit of my stomach.

He said something in reply, but I couldn’t quite make it out. I barely knew that my arms and legs had been freed, but I was very aware that he had climbed between my legs. He pushed the blindfold up onto my forehead; the light was blinging, but after a moment, I could see heaven in Luke’s eyes. Or, if nothing else, the promise of heaven.

I felt the tip of his cock just part my pussy lips; he was much bigger than the vibrator, and the sensations were much more pleasurable. He pushed in a little bit deeper; instinctively, I wrapped my legs around his back and pulled him closer. There was a flas

h of pain, but it lasted only for a moment. After that, it became nothing but pleasure.