“I like your laugh,” he said, seemingly out of nowhere.

I felt myself blush. “Thank you.” I wasn’t sure what to say. I was in the presence of the wealthiest, most powerful man I had ever known, and he took time to complement me. It was a little bit overwhelming.

“In fact, I like a lot of things about you,” he continued, suddenly very serious.

A thousand responses flew through my mind- so many that I couldn’t choose just one. I hoped he would take my wide-eyed delight and reddening cheeks for what they were worth. He leaned in, prepared to take what he wanted to take. I leaned in as well, ready to give it to him.

And then my phone rang. That damned sound.

“What’s that?” Luke blinked. He didn’t seem upset. He just seemed disappointed.

“Sorry,” I mumbled, cursing silently. “My old boss.”

Tom Krenchaw. I had carried his office, in spite of his natural incompetence and frequent outbursts. I had stayed as long as I could, but the constant sexual harassment and aura of mistrust was more than I could handle even then. He still called me once in a while, alternating between begging and threatening to get me to return. It seemed he had trouble keeping good people, and I was certain I wasn’t the only one he was calling.

Even though I didn’t work for the man any longer, I still felt the same wave of nervousness every time he called. I started to put the phone back in my pocket, but Luke stopped me.

“May I?” he asked. There was a look in his eyes that told me that I wanted to be a part of whatever he had planned.

“Be my guest,” I said, handing him the phone.

Luke swiped to answer the call and put it on speaker before he spoke. “Emma Kerry’s Office, how many I help you?” He held his finger to his lips, indicating that I would listen only. That was a relief.

There was a brief, confused moment of silence. Luke said nothing, waiting patiently for the answer.

“Where’s Emma?” Tom demanded. He was still terrible on the phone.

“Who’s calling, please?” Luke asked in his very best receptionist voice.

“Tom. I’m her boss. Her old boss, I mean. Who the hell are you? Put Emma on the phone.”

“Oh, I’m sorry, Sir. She’s unavailable at the moment. But this is her assistant, may I help you?” He was drawing out the conversation, subtly poking at the man. It was fun to watch.

“Just get me Emma,” Tom said again.

“I’m afraid she’s tied up with the board of directors for the afternoon.” He winked to me as he lied. I could imagine Tom fuming and pacing on the other end of the phone. I barely suppressed a giggled.

“How the hell did Emma get an assistant? Nevermind. Tell her she needs to come back; come back or we’ll sue her. I have no clue where anything is anymore, no one knows what they hell’s going on. We’re going to have to sell the place, and it’ll be all that bitch’s fault. You tell her I said that.”

I gasped. The wry smile disappeared from Luke’s face. There was something in his eyes- something that scared me. That word, that single word, changed Luke’s demeanor completely.

“I see. And what company shall I refer to? There’s so many that want to hire her, I’m afraid.”

“Longview Services,” Tom said finally, clearly upset with my reported success.

“Thank you,” Luke replied coldly, ending the call while Tom was still huffing into the phone.

“Luke, I’m sorry,” I stammered. I was embarrassed. Mortified, really.

“Don’t be. Do you want to work for him? It’s your choice, but-”

“Hell, no!” I replied, just a little bit more passionately than I had intended. The question would have been ridiculous, but Luke didn’t seem to be the type of man to make assumptions.

“Smart girl.” He returned my phone, then took out his own. A moment later, it ringing through the speakers.

“Business development,” a man’s voice answered.

“Mike, it’s Lucius.”