“Yes, it is. Just like you are a beauty and a revelation,” Duke Clifford said as he came closer to her.

He stood so close, towering over her, his jaw looking down on her head. She looked up, breathing hard as the sexual frustration inside her began to boil. She stood face to face with a Duke whose chiseled body she had seen just a few minutes earlier. Her heart was beating as she looked through his sheer tunic at his marvelous body. Her chest rose and fell as she stood there, her breathing audible.

The Duke could tell what was happening. He had always had that effect on women. However, this was the first commoner he was having such a moment with. It was something that was frowned upon in every circle of the day. Yet, he realized he wanted it. He was not in love. He just felt a strong urge to grab her and kiss her deeply.

He wanted to lift her up, drop her on the bed and fuck her royally. He knew she would like that, and she would be honored. She had most likely never been with a man of Royalty before. Just then, an idea came up in his mind. It was a most depraved one. It was something he had wanted to do all along.

“She likes the dungeon, and I like the dungeon. Why not?” he thought.

He slowly, slightly lifted his hands and ever softly touched her lips, rubbing it. He pressed his head against her forehead as her breathing became more pronounced and louder. Her breath seemed to be speaking on its own and audibly so.

“You are beautiful, Gwenn,” he said.

“Thank you, Your Grace,” she said and swallowed as her lips went up instinctively to meet his own.

His hand went to the small of her back and grabbed her. She was glad he held her, and she was shocked at the same time. She had never been with royal blood before. She wanted to jump on him and have sex with him, but she was shy and scared of the consequences. She did not expect him to grab her, but she was glad he did, and she could understand why he was so willing to do that. He had too many troubles and they weighed him down. It was okay if s

he was going to be his distraction.

“Have you ever been with a man like me before?” Duke Clifford asked her in a voice as soft as a whisper as he kissed her lips softly and repeatedly.

“No!” Gwenn responded in a shaky voice as her quaking arms weakly held the Duke’s neck for support as her knees threatened to betray her even further than her breathing.

The Duke’s lips began to move down her lips and on to her neck. Her breathing became more difficult as currents passed through her body and gathered between her legs. She whimpered when his hand came up to cup her right breast over her uniform.

“There are no men like you where I come from,” she said to him, the passion ripping her personality away from her body as she gave in to the weakness that came with sexual tension.

“Good! Good! I will fuck you like you have never been fucked,” he said to her.

The words shocked her, and she opened her eyes even as she clutched him tighter to her body. His hands went down to cup her ass. She had never heard royalty speak so vulgarly.

“Would you like that?” the Duke asked her.

She could not speak. She tried to find her voice, but it was a battle, and when she eventually won, she said, “Yes, please fuck me. Please!”

Her own words sounded strange to her ears. They were definitely not from her even though they were in total agreement with what she really wanted.

Just then, the Duke pulled back, leaving her standing with space between them.

She was surprised and did not know how to act. She feared that she might have messed up already. However, she was reassured by the smile he had on his face, and she wondered what his plan was.

“Go to the dungeon and take off your clothes. I will meet you there,” he ordered.


Gwenn went down to the dungeon, not sure what to expect. She had been told that the Duke loved his dungeon because he loved his family history but did that include having sex in the dungeon?

She was not even sure how it made her look that she was having sex on the first day of work. She was not sure how this would affect her relationship with him after they were done. She was not sure if he would like her, love her or hate her. All she knew was that there was a rush in her body that made her run down to the dungeons and there she was, standing totally naked in the dungeon and waiting for him.

Just being in the dungeon made her feel like a prisoner, like a slave. She was no prince, and a dungeon was no place for a princess, not to talk of a female commoner. Only make royalties, and torturers had the chance of being in a dungeon and still have the upper hand. She knew there was nothing to fear, but her mind would just not agree to be at ease.

“Don’t turn around!” she heard a loud commanding voice.

It was Lord Clifford. He just walked into the dungeon. She tried not to turn despite her curiosity. Her whole being ached to turn around. She was nude as the day she was born, and this made her uncomfortable, but she wanted to turn around.

“They must have told you why I like this place. People think it’s because of my family history,” he said to her.

“It isn’t, Your Grace?” she asked, surprised.