Gee knew exactly what she was getting at. The shy, hesitant servant slipped away at once; she was filled with a sense of certainty and of opportunity. For the second time that day, someone at Rathalla was coming on to her but this time, she thought, she might like it.

“I see, Anne,” said Gee, feeling like a huntress. “And in what way do you wish to live that are not living now? I cannot help but think you didn’t bring me here to give me what I want, but for me to finally give you what you want.”

Gee’s hand traveled to Lady Sinnott’s thigh, traveling up her body to find the inside of her silk robe. Lady Sinnott’s eyes fluttered but Gee’s remained wide opened. She pulled the robe from its confinement and laid the lady of the house bare naked, for she wore no clothes underneath.

Gee took Lady Sinnott’s ample bosom in her strong hands and guided it to her mouth. She suckled her as though she were a master lover, for instinct was her guide. She traveled upward, kissing her breastbone, her shoulder, the base of her ear before finding her mouth. Gee liked this part of her, that was sure and in control. She didn’t have to pretend to be timid anymore.

On the contrary, it was Lady Sinnott who was a trembling flower. Gee swept her mouth with masterful sweeps, claiming every part of her. She plunged and she tangled her tongues with Lady Sinnott’s until the rich woman was moaning helplessly.

Gee broke away, collecting herself. It was so much at once and even though she was in charge here, once she stepped out of the door, she was oh so vulnerable. She had to think for once during the moment. Lady Sinnott found her hand.

“I don’t want you to take this the wrong way but you can give me something that I have longed for, and I know, that you have longed for,” she said. “I will pay you handsomely. You will have a position here for life. You will have to earn your promotions but I will stock a bank account for you. You will never have to worry all the days of your life.”

Gee’s head whipped around.

“You don’t know me. You wished to share this with me?” she challenged.

“I do,” she said. “I’ve watched you. You’re so lovely. I feel like you would understand. I have special desires.”

“I have them as well – “ Gee began.

“I mean, I wish to play out special desires,” she hesitated.

Now Gee offered her the chocolates.

“These help,” she said.

Lady Sinnott laughed.

“Why do you think I am so plump?” she joked.

She popped a chocolate into her mouth.

“I wish you to be my mistress,” confessed Lady Anne. “I want you to do things for me. I have read that mild pain can increase sexual pleasure. I have post cards with pictures on them.”

She rose and went to a locked drawer in a Chinese locking cabinet. She pulled a key from a hiding place and unlocked a drawer. She removed a deck of cards. She also snatched a carafe with a crystal cork, and sat back down.

“Look at these,” she said.

She tipped the carafe in the two tea cups and pour their tea.

“How do you like it?” she asked Gee.

Gee looked at her as though she was silly.

“Anne, I have only had it plain,” she said.

“Even on the holidays?” she asked.

“I never dared have anything but plain. You know how it is to long for something you can’t have, now don’t you?” said Gee.

“I suppose you’re right. I will add a bit of sugar. You may have your own private stash of sugar if you like,” she said.

Gee spun through the deck post cards with graphics of naked women doing lascivious things. They were spanking each other with sundry instruments – hair brushes, riding crops, hand-held whips with many tails.

There were pictures of women tied with beautiful satin ribbons in big fluffy bows to the bed, so vulnerable and bare. In one such position, another appeared to drip the hot wax of a burning candle on her nether region. The imagines made Gee swim with arousal, all of which gathered at her core. She squirmed. Lady Sinnott’s eyes swept her.

“I see you like them,” she said with a wicked smile.