“Jake,” Lady Sinnott began.

“Lady Sinnott,” he said, standing at attention.

Literally; Gee looked down to the floor and saw the rod pitching a tent in his trousers.

“You were speaking to the matter of where on the estate sausage has been hidden?” she said.

Both servants knew very well that no one in the room believed that is what Jake meant. He stammered an apology.

“You are dismissed, Jake,” Lady Sinnott said coolly. “Go to the area of the estate that concerns you and leave Agnes to her duties.”

Jake could not scramble from the scene fast enough. He was a blur in Gee’s peripheral vision.

“Agnes,” said Lady Sinnott calmly. “Look at me.”

Though no longer wedged, Gee was still in the corner. It felt like her harassment was now going to become a scolding. She lifted her eyes to the lady of the estate and found warmth. It had been a long time since she found that anywhere.

“How about a cup of tea?” Lady Sinnott.

Agnes gave a quick curtsey and as she was about to fetch a kettle, Lady Sinnott grabbed her hand.

“Easy,” she said with assurance. “Make that tea for two, bring it to my boudoir and let Mrs. Cox know that you are with me or she will wonder where you are off to.”

“Yes, Lady Sinnott,” said Gee, trembling.

A thousand things fled through her mind; she was going to be fired was the most dominant thing. She would find another job she was sure. Estates like pleasant-looking servants in the house and she qualified. She was skilled at her job though not quite old enough to be in Mrs. Cox’s position. She fetched her boss to inform her. The shock that cross Mrs. Cox’s face heightened Gee’s fears.

“Go,” her boss bid, releasing Gee from her duties.

Gee set the tray for tea, complete with cucumber sandwiches she threw together with salted butter on white bread, and hurried it to Lady Sinnott’s boudoir. It was her personal apartment in the enormous mansion. Her husband was rarely home or in the same part of the house so there was no chance Gee might encounter him.

Gee knocked, was invited in. She heard Lady Sinnott but she did not see her. She set the tray down in the usual place on the coffee table, next to a beautifully wrapped box. She eyed the sandwiches and her stomach growled. The stress of the moment had made her absolutely famished.

“I heard that,” laughed Lady Sinnott.

She made an entrance into the room from behind a folding dressing screen, a souvenir from her recent trip to Hong Kong. Lady Sinnott was in a silk robe, also a find on her travels. She had a similar look in her eye that Jake had though Gee was drawn to it, not repelled by it.

Lady Sinnott was not quite old enough to be her mother. She was as tall as Gee and modestly plump though cut a very nice figure in her robe that was sashed at the waist, showing off her curves. Gee was entranced by her bosom. She lifted her eyes and her lady caught her staring.

“It’s alright,” she said soothingly. “Sit.”

The women sat on a settee for two. They had no choice but to sit relatively close to one another. Their bodies touched. Out of deference to their places in the world, Gee tried to sit away from Lady Sinnott but once again Lady Sinnott gripped her wrist.

“I invited you here,” she said with smoky eyes. “I want you to sit near me.”

Lady Sinnott unwrapped the box on the coffee table. It was neatly packed with ornate bon bons. She offered Gee the first pick. Gee could not believe the hospitality; if she was being fired she could be fired with chocolate on her lips.

She bit; a squirt of warm, sharp, delicious liqueur filled her mouth and melted the chocolate that encased it. The alcohol went straight to her stomach and she felt herself relax. Lady Sinnott bid her to have another. By her third chocolate, which was her limit, Gee was not drunk but feeling really good.

“Gee they call you?” asked Lady Sinnott.

“Yes ma’am,” Gee answered shyly.

“You may call me Anne when we are alone. You may be familiar with me when we are in my boudoir,” said Lady Sinnott. “I would like to be clear as to why I invited you here.”

“Very well,” she replied.

“I’ve been all around the world,” Lady Sinnott began, her voice trembling. “I’ve been places where things are viewed very differently than they are here. There are places where men and women can live as they wish to.”