“Well then, where to today?” A tone of cheerfulness and optimism, “there’s a play on this evening, and an opera tonight. Fancy either?” Another glance, she merely shrugged. “You sure? You could throw your drink at some poor chap and declare him a coward. A quick duel later and I’ll be out of your hair.”

Her eyes squinted as her mind stumbled on this, finally looking over to him with an odd expression. He brought a couple fingers forth, a thumb stuck up, and dropped the hammer on his pistol with a whispered “pow” which was so drowned out by the rumbling vehicle that it may as well have merely been mouthed.

“You’re daft.” She stated matter-of-factly, giving a couple nods as though she’d just provided the correct answer to a math problem. “Absolutely daft.”

It was his turn to shrug his shoulders as he watched the road, giving a dismissive look of his face either way as though to say ‘you caught me; fair cop.’

“Being normal is so... boring. Much better to be a bit looney from time to time.”

“’From time to time’ is one thing, making it a state of being is quite another.” Her attention returned forward, shifting in her seat before settling again. “How you do expect to ‘fuck’ at this rate with your behavior?”

“My, my. Language.” Her arms crossed. “Besides, what do you take me for, some harlot? Not before marriage.” She scoffed, shaking her head.

“The only positive outcome to eloping with you would be the fact that I’d never, after that, see you again.”

“What? Becoming a mother wouldn’t be a positive outcome?”

“Hmph, not for you.”

“Why’s that?”

“Get me pregnant and you’re stuck with me for life, and I’m stuck with you for life. Not sure if you’d survive that.”

“Nor am I, sounds like an interesting challenge however.” The vehicle rumbled and shook and lumbered along, a slight trail of smoke following them from the exhaust. Her fingers tapped against her slim bicep, a foot tapped against the floor, and he smirkingly continued the casual drive to the city.

“What is your problem?!” She finally bellowed, and a nearby farmer filling a pig trough jumped. “This is all just one big game to you, isn’t it? You hold all the bloody cards, and it bloody well gets you off to fan yourself with them.” She watched him as he moved in his seat, sitting a bit straighter, a grin spreading on his face. “Look at you! You’re like a big child, poking and prodding and pestering until you finally get a rise from someone and then you have a great big laugh! It’s detestable! Why would any woman want such a creature for a husband? Why would any want such a pathetic specimen to sire their children? They’d come out as daft as you!”

“One can only hope.” He gave cheerfully, flashing a smile to her before returning his attention to the road. “Oh dear, another ant.”

“No- EEE!” She flailed and grasped to keep herself straight as he gave a deep, bellowing laugh. “You absolute bastard, you’ll have me killed someday!”

“Hey Emma.” The vehicle straightened, her beckoned her attention as he glanced over to her a few times.

“What?” She asked with no small degree of outrage.

“Nice smile.” Her hair slightly unkempt from the movement, an undignified posture in which she held the dash and the seat in a slouched manner, yet he spotted h

er sparkling smile that had developed in the process.

“You really are a bastard.” He chuckled in reply.

“A rich bastard.” It was her turn to laugh then.

“That too.”

“A handsome bastard as well.”

“You’re pushing it.”

“A bastard with a great, big-”


“-love of ants.”


“Hahaha!” Once again, he’d timed it just right, sending out his arm to catch her as she fell towards him, completely unprepared. Once again, he kissed her forehead. “That’s a girl.” To his surprise, he had not been met with violence that time, save for a rather gentle swat to his chest. He stroked her shoulder with his hand, the other on the wheel. Her smile maintained for a time, though only for a time.