“How dare y- AH!” She’d whipped her hand back to swat at him when he gave a sharp swerve on the lonely rode causing the hand to flail down to the closed door to steady herself.

“Sorry, what was that? I didn’t hear you; almost hit an ant.”

“Are you trying to kill us, you mad-man-AH!”

“Woops! There’s another!” Emma had both hands on the vehicle then, not knowing when he’d make such a jerky swerve again.

“You... you... God why did I have to go on this bloody... thing?“

“Date?” He corrected her, and she scowled over at him. “Well, your mother hasn’t the means to birth more children, you’re her only one, economically you two are suffering, she’s desperately trying to keep a roof over your heads, and you’re a stuck-up spinster prude.”

Her eyes became saucers as her jaw dropped, mouth opening. Satan had just lifted a Hel

lish burner up to a quiet, pleasant lake... and it was rapidly preparing to boil over.

“That about right?” He asked with all casualness.

“YOU MONST- OH!” Her face was red as she begun the attack which hadn’t so much as met the first swing when yet another ant was saved, and she fell against him. He had prepared it perfectly, perhaps she suspected his rising arm was to defend himself, but no, it wrapped around her. A nearby herdsman, tending to his cattle, found it rather cute that a woman would be so in love with a man as to nearly tackle him with a ‘hug’.

“See? Knew you’d come ‘round, love.” He gave her a peck on the forehead before she could whap him in the chest and scoot back away from him.

“Stop the car, you animal! Stop!”

“Oh, fancy a snog?”

“STOP!” He looked over to her confidently, the vehicle slowing without even looking to the road until it came to a park on the side of the road, his gaze still on her. She was blushing.

As soon as the vehicle stopped, the man still smiling at her, though in a strange way with a hint of adoration and/or desire, he watched her scrambling with the door’s mechanism. All manner of crude and cruel utterance was being muttered in those few seconds of scrambling, her hands in such a tizzy that she finally brought them up and banged on the open window of the car door in frustrated surrender, breathing heavily. Her harsh gaze turned from the field by the road, flashing sideways and downwards where she spotted something moving. His arm hovered forth, past her, grasped the mechanism, and pushed the door open with ease.

She stepped out immediately, merely annoyed even further. With a turn to the direction they had come from, already the house was out of sight and she knew they were a very long walk from her home. Turning the other direction, some forested areas and rolling hills with patches of farmland. A very long walk from the city. She looked back to the car.

“What are you looking at me like that for, you savage?” An arm rest on the back of the front seat in the square-topped vehicle, the other resting on the wheel of the idling automobile, and she looked to his face. There was a strange softness in them, and though she’d never admit it she sensed some sort of warmth in spite of how horrid he’d been acting. It was as though he enjoyed seeing her so flustered and emotional, but not in a sadistic sort of way. He admired her passion.

“You’re just... so beautiful.” He stated simply. Her head turned at that slightly, eyebrows lowering in confusion however her eyes softened ever so slightly, like a great iceberg receiving a thin layer of snow atop it.

“Take me home.” She stepped through the open door, plopping down with her arms crossed, looking straight ahead coldly. The gaze turned towards him as she heard a clunk, only to see him stepping out of the vehicle. He casually walked around the front of the horseless carriage, her narrowed eyes following him as he minded his own business.

“Watch your dress.” The Duke gave gently.

“Hmph.” She yanked at it harshly to get it out of the way. Declan closed the door and once more headed ‘round the car to get behind the wheel. Making a big turn at a nearby intersection, they were soon indeed heading back the way they’d come.

Her features changed, not softened, but changed, as she clenched her jaw. Her mother would be beyond cross; they’d only been gone less than an hour. Dainty fingers tapped against her upper arm as they lie crossed under her chest. Should she perhaps go around the back of the house and try to find somewhere in the backyard to sit and wait for a few hours; mum scarcely ever left the house anymore. Her foot began tapping on the vibrating floor. Perhaps she could order him to take her to the city where she’ll be able to find a ride back her way in time, but then he’d just tell her that he had dropped her off back at home after merely a few minutes. The tapping hand reached up to some of her curles, touching them nervously.

“Are you sure you want to go home?”

“Yes.” She gave resolutely, and knew that it would only be a couple minutes before they were within sight at the rate they were going. Wait, hide in the backyard? She’d hear the vehicle come to the park! Stop on the main road?


“Y-...” he raised and eyebrow. “Ye-...”

“Hmm?” He requested his question be answered. Her eyes began to well, her lips starting a quiver, lips pursing as she fought off the sensation but ultimately she dove into her hands, bending down, elbows on her hidden knees. The vehicle slowed to a stop, the engine shut off, and in the quietness the sound of her muffled weeps emanated from her hands. She was clearly trying not to outright bawl.

“Hey...” she kept her face hidden and didn’t respond. “Hey, listen, I’m sorry for being so forward. I have a... a somewhat peculiar personality.” She turned her face away as the back of her wrist rose, obviously wiping at tears. He slid closer to her, gently and carefully bringing an arm to rest on her shoulders. They tensed, he figured she wanted to tell him to bugger off but it did not come.

“That’s putting it bloody mildly... get off.” She sobbed out, hiding her face, and gave her shoulders a harsh shrug which he responded by giving her due room.

“Look, how about we go for a nice meal. A couple glasses of wine to take the edge off-”