Mrs. Lester’s eyebrows rose. “And you already own the drugstore?”

“My aunt and uncle loaned me the money to buy the store.”

“Michael’s uncle is Senator Jesse Cochran.” A slight note of wonder tinged Heidi’s voice.

Both Lesters raised their eyebrows. “Senator Cochran is your uncle?”

“Yes.” Michael smiled at Mrs. Davidson as she placed a dish brimming with the delicious chicken and dumplings in front of him.

“Mrs. Lester and I have a great deal of respect for the Senator. He’s one of the few honest men in politics. I especially like his position on family values. A wonderful man, your uncle. We could use more men like him. You should be proud to be related, young man.”

Michael nodded. “He and my aunt Tori raised us after my parents died.”

“You have brothers and sisters?”

“Two sisters and one brother.”

After everyone had been served, Mr. Lester said the blessing, and conversation ceased as everyone dug into their supper. Heidi’s papa had certainly suggested a wonderful dish. The chicken melted in his mouth, the gravy and dumplings full of flavor.

The previously occupied tables soon emptied until the Lesters, Michael, and Heidi remained the only patrons in the dining room. Mr. Lester pushed his empty plate away, and patted his middle. “Delicious.” He turned to his wife. “My dear, you must ask Mrs. Davidson for her recipes before we return home.”

Heidi wiped her mouth and placed the napkin alongside her plate. “Papa, why are you still here?”

Mrs. Lester patted her hand. “We want to be close to you, sweetheart.”

“But I’m doing fine. My breathing problem doesn’t trouble me much anymore. And when I do have an attack, I use the medicine Michael gave me, and it works.” She chewed on her lip.

Mr. Lester crossed his arms over his chest. “Actually, Mother and I are having a bit of a vacation while we’re here. We’ve been to the theater, the new library, and some of the nice shops along Main Street.”

“And best of all, I’ve found a wonderful seamstress who is making some dresses for me.” Mrs. Lester added.

Heidi’s eyes filled with tears. “Are you sure that’s the reason, or do you want to be here to pick me up when I fail?”

The Lesters glanced at each other, but kept silent. Heidi wiped her damp cheeks. Michael’s insides shifted. Couldn’t they see how much Heidi craved their acceptance of her decision? Did they hope to control her life, then hand her over to Clarence Manfred for a life of misery? Did they even truly know Manfred?

Mrs. Lester took a deep breath. “Of course we don’t expect you to fail, we only want you to be happy. To be married, and settled before Papa and I die.”

“Oh Mother. For heaven’s sakes. You and Papa have many years ahead of you.” Placing her hands in her lap, she regarded her mother. “Why do you think I’d be happy married to Clarence?”

Mrs. Lester’s mouth opened in surprise. “I thought you accepted Clarence’s proposal of marriage because that’s what you wanted?

Heidi lowered her eyelids. “No, Mother. It’s what you, Clarence, and his mother want.”

“Well I’m certainly surprised. Is that why you left home?” Mr. Lester said.

“Yes and no.” She stiffened her slender shoulders and met his scrutiny.

“Heidi, your change of mind is a serious matter. Clarence is expecting to marry you when your,” Mrs. Lester waved her hand around, “adventure is finished.”

Heidi’s face flushed. “I’m not having an adventure, Mother. I’m trying to live my life. Not the life everyone else wants for me.” Deflating like a balloon, she added, “I only want some time to think about it.”

Michael considered what part he should play. As much as the Lesters cared for their daughter, they didn’t appear to really know the type of man they intended to hand her over to. But would they believe him if he disclosed what he knew? He certainly wouldn’t say anything now, with them all sitting around the dinner table in the Saratoga Hotel, but sometime in the near future, he might have to pull Mr. Lester aside and have a conversation.

Mind your own business. It’s not your concern.

For now he would listen to the little voice trying to protect his heart. But the thought of that bully putting his hands on Heidi, touching her creamy soft skin, lying on top of her, as he did with his whores, maybe even passing on some kind of a disease, tugged at his conscience. He shoved such an uncomfortable thought to the back of his mind when Mr. Lester addressed him.

“I want to thank you, Michael, for taking care of our little girl. If she insists on working, I’m glad she has someone looking out for her.”