Heidi pulled on her dressing gown. “Yes.”

This time her mother appeared more nervous than earlier in the morning. She chewed on her lower lip, and twisted the pearl ring on her finger. “I wonder if I should wear my blue brocade dress, or maybe something else.”

“You’ll look lovely, Mother. The blue brocade is beautiful, and you’ll be the perfect mother of the bride.” Heidi attempted a smile.

“Thank you.” Mother cupped her cheek, and gave her a light kiss. “But I think you should probably begin to dress. I’ll help you.”

Heidi turned to the clock on her dresser. Nine forty-five.


Nine forty-five, and the train sat on the tracks in the middle of nowhere. They hadn’t moved in fifteen minutes. About halfway from Guthrie to Oklahoma City the blasted thing slid to a stop. Michael rotated his neck, and frustration mounted, at the only information the conductor had provided to the passengers. A problem on the line. And no, he had no idea when the train would start up again.

Michael shifted in his seat, and tapped his fingers on his thigh. He should have taken the train last night. Except the last train had departed before he’d left Jesse and Tori’s house. Or maybe he should have ridden his horse. Or left much earlier, and driven his buggy.

“Something needs to be done about these trains.” The man seated to his left grumbled and turned to Michael. “I ride trains all the time, and about once a week one breaks down.” He shook his head.

“What happens when they break down?”

“One time we sat for over an hour before they managed to fix the damn thing.”

Michael’s heart sped up. “An hour! I need to be in Oklahoma City before eleven o’clock.”

“Then you’d better start walking, young man,” he chuckled.

By ten-fifteen, Michael exited the train and jogged away. Overhead, the sun beat down. He shrugged out of his jacket, then hung it over his arm. He shadowed his eyes with his hand, and glanced off in the distance, then smiled. About three quarters of a mile to the east, a farmhouse came into view. Maybe he could borrow a horse from the farmer. He squinted at his watch as he trotted in that direction. Ten-twenty.


“Dear, I don’t feel so good. I think I’d better lie down.” Mary glanced at the clock in her bedroom. Ten-twenty. Where is Michael?

Harold fastened the buttons on his boots and stood. “Lie down? Mary, it’s almost time to leave for the church.”

“I know, but I feel so faint.” She raised the back of her hand to her forehead, and closed her eyes. “I’ll rest here for a little while.”

“All right. But don’t rest too long. You still have to dress.” He left the room.

Mary hopped off the bed and paced. What had happened? Michael assured her he would catch the seven-thirty train, and be here in their house long before they left for the church. He should have arrived by now.

A soft knock interrupted her. “Come in.”

Heidi peeked around the corner. “Papa said you’re not feeling well.”

Mary stumbled back to the bed and sat. “Yes. I feel so…faint. I must be suffering from over excitement.”

Heidi approached her, the skirt of her wedding dress fisted in her hands. “You do look somewhat flushed.”

“Yes, I don’t know what afflicts me, actually. I think if I rest for a bit I’ll be fine.”

“All right.” Heidi regarded her as she headed to the door. “I’ll leave you to dress.”

“Yes, you do that dear. I’m sure I’ll be fine in a little while. In fact, I’m sure everything will be fine in a little while.”


Brows furrowed, Heidi left her mother lying on the bed, and crossed the hallway to her room.

Mother certainly behaved strange today. She hadn’t once mentioned the letter from Clarence. In fact, seemed to have completely forgotten about it. Where yesterday, she displayed outrage, today she seemed happy, and almost…excited.