“Snake.” She muttered.

He swallowed, as a trickle of sweat slid down his chest. Gloria moved closer, and bent her head toward him. “I just can’t decide.”

Michael slid so far the other way, if he sneezed he’d land on his rump on the floor. “I think I’ll have the steak.” He took a sip of water.

“Hmm. What should I eat?” Gloria tapped her mouth with a well-manicured fingernail.

A waiter in a black suit with a white towel over his arm approached them. “Good evening, ladies, sir. Do we know what we’d like for dinner?” He turned to Mrs. Lester. “Ma’am?”

“I’m not hungry.”

Heidi placed her hand over her mother’s. “Mother, you have to eat. Have the soup at least.”

“Fine,” she sighed, placing her hands in her lap.

The waiter turned to Heidi. “Miss?”

“Do you serve snake?” She smiled brightly at the man’s startled look.

“No, we do not.” He sniffed.

“Fine. Then I’ll have the pork chops.” She closed the menu with a snap and handed it to the waiter.

“I still can’t decide.” Gloria hummed. “Michael, help me decide.” She gazed at him with wide eyes.

Heidi snorted and took a sip of water. Mrs. Lester patted her eyes with her handkerchief, and inhaled a shuttering breath.

“While she’s deciding, you can write dow

n steak for me.” Michael said.

“Very good.” The waiter added, and turned to Gloria. “Miss?”

“I’ll have the steak also.” She smiled at Michael as if they shared a secret.

He cringed, and looked away, right into Heidi’s eyes. What the hell was going on? He’d only seen Gloria twice, and done nothing to encourage her behavior. And no matter how hard he tried, he couldn’t shake the feeling he was doing something wrong to Heidi. Ridiculous.

The entire meal passed in uneasy silence. Mrs. Lester remained oblivious to her surroundings, sighing every once in a while as she played with her soup. Heidi stabbed her pork chop with such vigor, the meat slid off her plate at one point.

Michael’s steak may have been good, but he never noticed. If not for large gulps of water, his dinner never would have gone past his throat.

Gloria continued to lean toward him, whispering irrelevant comments close to his ear, causing Heidi’s face to grow so red, he feared she would suffer apoplexy.

Mrs. Lester remained mute on her problems with her husband, and Gloria never asked for advice on the town. Michael kept glancing at Heidi, but if she happened to be looking at him, she immediately lowered her eyelids, and tightened her lips.

“No, Michael, the dinner is my treat.” Gloria tugged the check from his hand as the waiter stood nearby.

Michael took the paper back again, and held it with a no-nonsense grip. “I will pay.” He waved at the waiter, who took the check and his money. “Ladies?” He said, standing as the waiter moved away.

They all rose, and marched to the front of the restaurant where Michael retrieved their coats, and assisted each woman. He wiped his sweat beaded forehead with the heel of his hand, and opened the door to allow the ladies to leave.

Gloria slid her arm into Michael’s. “Thank you so much. We must have dinner again some time.” She looked pointedly at Heidi and Mrs. Lester. “Alone.”

Michael made a non-committal grunt. “Can we escort you home?”

“No. Thank you, anyway, but I have a room not far from here.” She turned to Mrs. Lester and Heidi. “I’ve had so much fun. Maybe we can have a ladies night out soon.”

Heidi’s mouth fell open, and her eyes narrowed to slits. “I don’t know, I’m pretty busy.”