“Oh, Heidi, Michael Henderson would not be caught dead in a bar brawl. Why, our brother, Hunter, got into a fight one time in a bar, and got himself tossed into jail. Michael bailed him out, but after he lectured him for days, Hunter said he would have rather stayed locked up. Afterward he joined the Texas Rangers and we haven’t seen him since.”

Her heart thumped at Ellie’s words. Did she know her brother as well as she thought? “But what about the bruises on his face?”

Ellie shrugged. “I don’t know, but since he wouldn’t talk about it, I can’t comment.” They stopped to allow a horse and buggy to pass before they crossed the street. “But I can assure you on one point. If Michael had been in any kind of a fight, it would have been for a very good reason.”

Heidi chewed on her lower lip, working up the courage to ask the question she really wanted an answer to. “Um. Do you think Michael would ever pay a woman he got in a family way to leave town?” She thought the heat in her face would ignite her flesh.

Ellie stopped and turned toward her. “What in heaven’s name are you talking about? And where are you getting such crazy ideas?” When Heidi merely stared at her, her jaw working, but unable to form any more words, Ellie moved them forward and continued. “This is not my story to tell, but hopefully, my big brother would forgive me.”

She paused for a moment, closed her eyes briefly, and then spoke. “Years ago, Michael was engaged to be married. Three weeks before the wedding, his fiancée came to him in tears and told him she carried another man’s child.”

Heidi drew in a sharp breath, but nodded for her to continue.

“She told Michael the father of her child was married, and wanted nothing to do with her. She cried and begged him to proceed with the wedding anyway to provide the baby with a name.”

“Oh no.” Heidi breathed.

“Oh yes. And my fool headed brother agreed.” She shook her head in disgust. “Luckily, he came to his senses and talked to Uncle Jesse about it.” Ellie smiled at the memory. “Uncle Jesse asked him a few questions, and Michael left the house and broke the engagement.”

“What did he ask him?”

“We’ll never know, but whatever the questions were, I’m glad he did. His fiancée left Guthrie not too long afterward, and as far as I know he’s never heard from her since.”

They reached Heidi’s house. Just in time, she thought. Her head hurt from the tension of the day, and Ellie’s revelations.

“So you see, Heidi, I doubt very much he would ever pay a woman to leave town if she carried his baby. He intended at one time to raise another man’s child as his own.” Her mouth moved in a slight smile and she patted Heidi’s hand. “I don’t know where you heard your stories, but I can say with absolute certainty they’re lies.”

Heidi blew out a huge breath. “Thank you. I can’t tell you how much I appreciate your sharing that story with me.”

Ellie thought for a minute. “My brother needs a life other than the one he’s carved for himself. My family knows he’s had his heart under lock and key for years. But he needs a wife and children.” Ellie shivered and pulled her coat collar closer. “I don’t know how you feel, but you would be very good for him.”

When Heidi looked up abruptly at Ellie’s words, she touched her arm briefly. “I hope I haven’t scared you, but the general consensus in my family is you may be the one to unlock his stubborn heart.”

“Me?” He

idi squeaked.

“Think about it.” With that statement, Ellie turned and walked away.

Heidi stumbled up the stairs, and entered the house. Mrs. Wilson greeted her, but she barely answered, her thoughts in turmoil. Excitement, happiness, fear, and longing all meshed together as she undressed for bed.

Michael’s family thought she-mousey little Heidi-might unlock Michael’s heart? Oh, if that could only be so. Her attraction to him had grown into something so close to deep caring it scared her.

Once she in bed, she burrowed beneath the comforter, tossed and turned for a while, then flipped onto her back and linked her fingers together over her stomach. What would her life be like married to Michael Henderson? Taking care of his house, cooking his meals, tending to his needs.

His needs.

Her heart sped up as it had when he’d kissed her. Tingles low in her belly made her feel restless, wanting. He was not the type of man who would scorn his wife and seek satisfaction with a mistress. She would be the one to share his bed, cuddle in the dark under the covers, and know the glorious feeling of joining her body with his.

Stop, Heidi. Get yourself under control.

Reining in her thoughts, she stared at the dark ceiling, newly awakened anger twisting her insides. Why had Clarence told her those horrible stories Ellie insisted were lies?

The next time she saw him, she would certainly find out.

Chapter Twelve

Michael’s shoulders slumped as he pulled the dust covers off the counters. Would today be another tension filled day? Heidi had treated him no better yesterday than Monday. Leaving her alone to work out whatever troubled her had sounded like a good idea in the beginning, but his confusion hadn’t lessened.