Michael sat in the chair next to Jesse and studied Heidi. She positively glowed. At least Ellie hadn’t reduced her to tears. Although, in all honesty, for as forceful as Ellie was, she would never intentionally hurt someone.

“I understand you’re from Oklahoma City?”

Heidi turned to Jesse. “Yes. I recently moved here, and Michael was good enough to hire me to work in his store.”

Jesse grinned. “That’s our Michael, always willing to help a damsel in distress.”

Michael hopped up. “Anyone want a drink before dinner?”

Maybe bringing Heidi here had been a mistake. Everyone viewed him speculatively, and panic seized him at what they assumed. But something else disturbed him more. She fit in so well. As he poured drinks, he noticed Heidi and Ellie chatted like old friends, as Jesse threw in a comment every once in a while which had the women laughing.

He shook his head. No, she could very well pack up at the end of her month and decide working and living on her own didn’t suit her after all. A few weeks of freedom might be all she needed to settle down and live the life her parents planned.

Please God, not with Clarence Manfred, though.

He handed a whiskey to Jesse and two small glasses of sherry to Ellie and Heidi. Tori entered with Priscilla on her heels. “Where’s mine?”

“Come over here, darlin’, and I’ll share my whiskey with you.” Jesse shifted and made room on the large chair for Tori.

“No thank you. I’d rather have sherry.” She settled next to her husband, and he pulled her close.

Michael studied them as he poured one more sherry and handed the drink to Tori. After all the years of marriage, his aunt and uncle were still very much in love. Sometimes he ached, knowing he’d never have what they shared.

Then his mind wandered back to their rough start. At one time he thought they might even divorce. But their story was different. Neither one had suffered a broken heart, or betrayal. Tori and Jesse merely had some issues to work out.

Memories he found sufficient to keep reminding him why the beautiful blonde, with big blue eyes, skin flushed a charming red from the fireplace, and sitting merely a few feet from him, remained off limits. He settled back in his chair, trying very hard not to stare at Heidi.

Chapter Nine

Heidi had never seen such an abundance of food on a dining room table in her life. Used to meals being quiet affairs, with only her, Mother and Papa, the Cochran family’s dinners were quite impressive. Heidi, Tori, Ellie, Priscilla, and Michael’s sister, Rachel, who’d arrived earlier with her son, had carried numerous bowls of vegetables, platters of meat, baskets of rolls and biscuits to the table. The children raced back and forth adding salt, pepper, butter, honey, and jam.

Eventually eleven people took their places, and after Jesse blessed the food, and thanked the Lord for the presence and good health of his family and friends, they all dug in.

“You’d better fill your plate, or you

’ll miss out with this crowd.” Michael leaned close to her ear as he forked slices of beef on his plate, then handed her the platter.

Heidi took one piece of beef and passed the platter to Benjamin, seated next to her. “No you don’t.” Michael used his fork to spear another piece of meat and plopped it on Heidi’s plate. “You need to eat more, put some weight on.”

Instead of the embarrassment she would normally have felt, she laughed and shook her head at his antics. Everybody in the family had a relaxed attitude. And she found the biggest surprise to be Senator Cochran. He had a reputation as a hard-nosed, highly ethical politician. One who would compromise, but never on his principles. His fights in the Senate were legendary. But around his family, he came across as funny and loving. His wife and children openly adored him. Rachel and Ellie respected him as much as Michael did.

She tried, but found it difficult, to push away the pain of knowing she witnessed something she would never have. Who would want a sickly, fearful wife? Certainly not the man seated next to her. Not when he came from this family of accomplished women. Her stomach clenched to think Clarence Manfred might be the only man who would have her. Life with him would not be fulfilling, but at least she wouldn’t be alone when Mother and Papa passed on.

“What’s wrong?” Michael’s eyes were sharp and assessing.

“Nothing.” She smiled tentatively.

He frowned. “You looked so sad all of a sudden.”

She blinked rapidly to clear the threatening tears.

Please don’t be so nice to me. You can’t be my knight in shining armor.

“Really, I’m fine.” She indicated her plate. “Tori is a wonderful cook, but I’m not sure I can eat everything.”

He studied her for a moment and then turned toward Paul who tapped him on the arm and asked a question about pharmacy school. Even though only twelve years old, the young man already planned his future. What an amazing family.

“Heidi, you must come with me one night to our Women’s Rights meeting at the new library.” Ellie’s voice rose above the others.