Michael turned from his spot on the floor and spoke in a quiet, firm voice, looking directly at Mr. Lester. “Please leave.”

Mr. Lester’s face grew a deeper red. “I will not leave. She’s my daughter, and I insist we send for a doctor before she collapses.”

Michael stood and, continuing to rub Heidi’s back, glared at the three idiots making the situation worse. “I will say this once more, and then I will escort you from the premises. Either keep quiet or leave us. I’ve treated asthma before.”

Mrs. Lester linked her arm in her husband’s. He attempted to wrench free, but she held on. “Harold, fetch a doctor. You know all this uproar is not good for Heidi.”

He adjusted his jacket and addressed his wife. “I will go. But you stay here and safeguard our daughter.”

“If you two intend to stay, you are to be quiet.” Michael spoke as he pulled the bowl of steaming water towards Heidi, and eased her head down. Once again he placed a towel over her head, creating a tent, and continued to rub her back and talk quietly to her. “Where is the packet of Belladonna I gave you?”

“Home,” Heidi gasped.

“All right. Just relax.” He caught Honey’s attention who stood nearby, watching Heidi carefully. “Miss Honey, can you come here and do what I’m doing? Rub her back and keep the towel over her head?”

“I will see to my daughter.” Mrs. Lester stepped forward and calmly placed her hand on Heidi’s shoulder. “Just show me what to do.”

Michael gave her a quick rundown on what to do and then left, the kitchen staff forgetting their duties to eagerly watch the drama.

His long legs ate up the distance between the coffee shop and his store. He unlocked the door and hurried to his work table. He shook powder onto a piece of paper, folded it, and tucked it into his pocket.

When Michael returned to the coffee shop kitchen, Mrs. Manfred stood apart from Mrs. Lester as she continued to minister to Heidi. It pleased him to see the woman kneeling as he had done, and whispering softly in her daughter’s ear. He hunkered down on the other side of the patient and sprinkled the powder into the hot water. “Breath slowly, Heidi. As your lungs begin to open, take deeper breaths.”

Heidi nodded and followed his instructions. Within minutes the sound of her wheezing diminished, and her muscles relaxed. His own muscles eased at the same time.

Mr. Lester burst into the room with Dr. Kane trailing behind him.

“You didn’t tell me Michael Henderson was treating her.” Dr. Kane glared at Mr. Lester, and dropped his medical bag on the floor.

Heidi’s papa sneered. “Treating her? He’s no doctor.”

“No, he’s not, but he knows more about treating asthma than I do.”

Mrs. Lester stood and moved to her husband as the doctor took her place next to Heidi. He glanced across her lap toward Michael. “Belladonna?”

Michael nodded. He took the towel off Heidi, and helped her to sit back. Although her breathing seemed better, she remained pale, and dark circles appeared under her eyes. Her eyelids fluttered closed and lines of fatigue emerged on her face.

“After you’ve rested for a minute, I will escort you home.” Michael handed her the towel to wipe her sweat-drenched face.

Heidi shook her head. “No, I’m fine now. I can return to work.”

“No, Miss Lester, you need to rest a bit.” The doctor stood and patted her on the shoulder.

“And as your employer, I’m afraid I must insist.” Michael turned to her parents and Mrs. Manfred. “Will one of you fetch her things from the table, and bring them here? I prefer not to subject her to the embarrassment of being dragged through the restaurant. We’ll leave through the back door.”

Mrs. Lester turned to leave. “Wait a minute, Mary.” Mr. Lester took her arm and turned to Michael. “I don’t understand, sir, why you feel it’s your place, or your responsibility for that matter, to assume the care of our daughter. Is there something going on between the two of you I am unaware of? She is a betrothed woman, you know.”

Michael sighed and placed his hands on his hips. “Mr. Lester, do you have a buggy handy?”

“No. Of course not. We came up on the train.”

“Exactly. I, on the other hand, have a buggy at the livery next to my store. I can have your daughter home, and settled with a cup of tea in less than twenty minutes.”

“You still have not answered my question, young man.”

Michael studied him for a moment. “Nor will I.” Especially since he had no idea himself what went on between him and Mr. Lester’s daughter.

Mrs. Lester raised her eyebrows at her husband and left to gather her daughter’s belongings.