“Next time?” Angel said, startled.

“Oh, yes, darlin’, since I finally got you into a bed, with no one around, there will definitely be a next time, and possibly a time after that as well.”

She sat up, and pulled the blanket over her breasts. Nate immediately tugged it back down.

“I can’t believe you lied to the desk clerk and told him I had a headache.” She ran her fingers up and down his chest. “Suppose he knows why you really wanted this room?”

“Sweetheart, if he knew what I’ve been through since our wedding, he would have sent a room key with my meal.” He pulled her down on top of him. “Enough talk. I have other, more interesting uses for your mouth.”

The sun was low in the sky before they decided her headache was probably cured enough to vacate the room. Nate had brought a wet cloth to her, and gently cleaned and soothed her, wiping the blood from her thighs.

He swatted her playfully on her bare bottom, and gave her one last kiss. “Check-out time.”

Slowly, studying each other with a new awareness, they dressed, and left the room. Nate tossed the key on the counter and, nodding to the new desk clerk, they left the hotel. His wife blushed at the grin the desk clerk gave them.

They stopped at Alice’s house, and picked up Julia-Rose and the twins. Mark and Matt were already home, and wondering where they were.

“I took Angel to see Dr. Penrose,” Nate said, rubbing Matt’s head when the boy asked.

“What’s for supper?” Mark looked up from his spot on the floor where he played with his top. “I’m starving.”

“How about eggs?” Nate answered.

Luke rolled his eyes. “It’s not morning time.”

“Eggs are good anytime.” Nate spoke over his shoulder as he retrieved the bowl of eggs from the pantry. “Now let’s all help get supper on the table.”

Nate managed to get everyone working. The twins set the table, Matt sliced bread, which Mark buttered and cut into pieces. Angel scrambled every egg in the house, poured them into the pan, and watched them so they wouldn’t burn. Nate sliced ham from the pantry, and warmed it on the stove.

When the eggs were done, Angel strapped Julia-Rose into her chair and poured milk for the children, while Nate made a pot of coffee. Soon the family was sitting at the table, and Nate said the blessing.

“Why are you two looking funny at each other?” Matt asked, glancing back and forth between Nate and Angel.

Angel peeked at him from under her eyelashes, a flush starting at her neck and moving to her hairline. They both burst into laughter.

“No reason, son, just finish your supper.”

“Looks to me like there’s a secret,” John said. “Hey, are we getting a pony?”

“No, son, no pony. Now I want you all to eat up. It’s getting late and I’m sure you still have homework before you get ready for bed.”

Nate took Julia-Rose upstairs to wash and change, and supervise the boys’ homework while Angel cleaned up the kitchen. He felt more relaxed than he had in weeks. He whistled and grinned until Luke tugged his sleeve.

“Papa, how come you’re so happy?”

Happy. Yes, that was it. He was happy.

A while later, he propped himself up in the doorway as he watched his sons mesmerized by the story Angel read. They sat wide-eyed as she used different voices for the characters in the book. Julia-Rose had fallen asleep in her lap, her fingers in her mouth. The twins were tucked securely under each arm as she held the book, their eyes glued to the page.

Her hair had come down from her bun, strands of it tickling her neck, resting against her soft skin. A stained apron covered her dress, and she’d kicked off her shoes. One toe stuck out of a hole in her stocking. She sat with her legs crossed, her dress bunched around her knees. She was the most beautiful woman he’d ever seen.

Yes, even though his wife was sorely lacking in housekeeping skills, she’d brought love and warmth to his family.

Aside from Mark’s stubbornness, the boys had fallen under her spell. Julia-Rose spent most of her waking hours wrapped around her “mama.” She loved to be carried everywhere, and his wife didn’t seem to mind.

Sending for a mail order bride had been a good idea. Then he stopped and considered. No, sending for a mail order bride who had turned out to be Angel had been a good idea.

One day he must send a ‘thank you’ note to Sylvia Hardwick.