She tried very hard not to roll her eyes, but said, “I have come to tell you that I am very sorry to upset you further, but I am not marrying Mr. Faulkner-Jones. I have sent a note to him telling him just that.”

“How dare you! Do you know how hard I worked to get you where you are now? A woman with her own medical practice? It is unheard of. What sort of thanks am I getting for what I did for you?”

Deciding that bypassing another argument was the best way to move forward, she said, “I am sorry, but that is what I’ve decided. I’ve also come to the conclusion that I do not want medicine to be my entire life. I want love, and a husband who loves me, and children to love and raise. I believe I can do both. Maybe not all the time, and maybe not perfectly, but this is my life and that is what I will do.”

“It’s that Sterling man isn’t it? He will ruin you. He’s a wastrel and will drag you down into the gutter with him.”

“No. He won’t. He’s had some difficult times but that is over. He is a wonderful man who has done things for other people that you have no idea. And he loves me. And I love him.”

Father waved his hand at her and turned his head to face the wall. “You might as well send for transport so I can return to my home. At least I can die in peace.”

It was quite hard for her not to laugh because she never knew Father to be dramatic. But she was seeing more and more how he’d been manipulating her all her life. But no more.

Her heart lifted and she felt stones lighter. Now she had to find Edwin and tell him of her decision. She flew down the corridor and up the stairs, actually giggling to herself.

Before she reached the door to her bedchamber the front door opened.

“Rayne!” Edwin stomped through the doorway looking like a warrior from times past, about to throw her over his shoulder.

“Here, Edwin.” She made her way back down the stairs on feet as light as air.

He pointed his finger at her. “You will not marry Faulkner-Jones.”

“I know.”

He walked in a circle, slapping his fist into his hand. “He is devious, a wanted criminal and he certainly doesn’t deserve you.”

“I know.”

He swung back and pointed at her again. “No matter what your father says, you will marry me.”

“I know.”

He widened his stance and crossed his arms over his chest. “I will have Berkshire obtain a special license which we will use immediately.”

“I know.”

He finally stopped raving and blinked. “What?”

“I said, I know.”

He shook his head, as if trying to unscramble his brain. “You agree?”

“Yes, Edwin. I agree. I have already informed my father. I will not marry Mr. Faulkner-Jones. I will marry you. As quickly as you can get a special license.”

He pulled her into his arms and blew out a deep breath. “Well, that was easy.”

“Don’t think the rest of our life will be that way, however.”

He cupped her face in his hands. “I love you Dr. Stevens.”

“And I love you, Lord Sterling.”

“Ballocks!” Came an exclamation from the infirmary, sounding very much like her father.

They both ignored it since they were busy kissing.

“Ah. I just love a happy ending, don’t you Walter?” Mrs. Foster said.