For almost a full minute the only sound in the room was the ticking of the clock on the wall next to Nick’s desk. Then he leaned back once again and rested his elbows on the arms of the chair and put his fingertips together. “Why?”

Edwin had been prepared for this question. “I have led an unsavory life the last few years. While I cannot undo what I’ve done, I can certainly do better in the future.”

Nick broke in. “Is this your idea, or Dr. Stevens?” The skepticism was clearly written on his face.

“Mine. Of course, since Mrs. O’Leary is her patient, I had to get permission from Rayne to question the woman, but it was basically my idea.”

Nick nodded. “Go on.”

“So far my investigators have turned up two women who were kidnapped from Mrs. O’Leary’s boarding house. They in turn gave them the names of two others who were not taken from there but were forced by other means into prostitution.”

“I must admit that after the insult you offered Mrs. Westbrooke, I had no use for you Sterling. However, it appears that Dr. Stevens has been a good influence on you. Since I don’t trust easily, I have my doubts this change in behavior is permanent but based on what you’re doing for the young women who were abused, I am more than willing to help.”

“Thank you.” It was important for Edwin to not only win Smith’s help, but to find forgiveness and acceptance among Rayne’s friends and their husbands. He planned a future with her, and this was one more step in winning her.

The next step would be gaining her heart. She already had his.

He and Nick looked over various properties that he owned and those he had not purchased for himself but might work for Edwin’s purpose. He had a list of buildings to look over but needed something as quickly as possible since the four women he planned to house were currently holed up in a hotel at his expense.

He didn’t care about the money but wanted the women to have something permanent and secure as quickly as possible.

“I am headed to my club for luncheon if you wish to join me.” Nick tossed the invitation out there as if it meant nothing but did mean a great deal to Edwin.

“Yes. I would.” Edwin folded the notes he’d been taking on various properties and tucked them into his jacket pocket. Nick grabbed his jacket from the clothes tree behind his desk and they left the office.

The Bath and County Club in Queen Square was a combination of The York Club and The New Club. Around the year 1858 the two were combined to create the present club.

Edwin had begun to visit the place again, once he’d turned from the more debauched activities with his dissolute friends.

Dr. Rayne Stevens had been a tremendous influence in his life. He’d examined his feelings over the last few days and decided it was not merely gratitude for her medical care and her encouragement to repent his wicked ways, that drove his attraction to her.

It was the woman herself. She was all things kind and wonderful and he was determined to make her his. He’d finally admitted that he loved her, and it was his task to convince her that she loved him, as well.

“Over here.” Nick waved at Carter and Berkshire who had just cleared the front door. The men arrived at their table and regarded Edwin with raised brows. He stood and shook hands with the men and sat back down.

“A surprise to see you here, Sterling,” Carter said.

“He’s meeting with me on a project he’s working on.” Nick waved at the footman who arrived at their table to take their orders for luncheon.

Edwin had no idea if Nick had been expecting Carter and Berkshire because if he had, he never mentioned it to him. While he wouldn’t exactly say he was uncomfortable, he was a bit on edge.

However, all three men acted as though Edwin was part of their group. He had a feeling the women in the group encouraged their husbands to accept him for Rayne’s sake.

Now if he could only get Rayne to accept him all would be well.

After a pleasant luncheon where Edwin picked up some more information that would help him get his house for women up and running quicker, he left the men and returned home.

It had been his intention to stop by the infirmary but decided to get some of his own paperwork done and then see if he could entice Rayne to join him for dinner at one of the fine restaurants in Bath. His holdings and investments were handled by his man of business, but it was his responsibility to go over everything Mr. Sanford sent him to make sure all was well.

That had been another thing he’d let go when he was carousing and wreaking havoc like a green youth. ‘Twas a good thing he hadn’t been robbed blind while he played the fool.

“Good afternoon, Marshall.” He greeted his man at the door and handed off his coat and hat.

“There was a note delivered for you, my lord. I placed it on your desk.”

r /> “Thank you.” He didn’t understand why but suddenly he had a sense of unease. Marshall didn’t say a post was delivered, but a note, which meant it had been hand-delivered by a messenger.

Right smack in the middle of his desk sat a small square of white paper. He made his way slowly across the room, his heart thumping as he picked up the note and opened it. The familiar scent of Rayne’s bath soap drifted to his nose.