A groan from the bed where they’d placed Mrs. O’Leary drew their attention. Rayne moved to the bed and looked down at her. “I am glad to see you are awake. However, I am going to give you a bit of laudanum so you can sleep for a while. That is the best healing agent for you right now.”

“Hurry. I am in a lot of pain.”

Rayne gritted her teeth and moved to the cabinet where she kept the laudanum liquid. She poured a bit onto a spoon and administered it to Mrs. O’Leary.

“I think I will call Glory from the kitchen and tell her about her new home.”

“While you do that, I am going to go through your books and see where else I can collect money for you.” He cupped her face and gave her a soft kiss.

She smiled, loving the ease between them. They’d come a long way since he was first brought to her. She still struggled with getting out of her betrothal to Mr. Faulkner-Jones, and once she was away from her father’s influence it seemed an easier task than when he was right in front of her, insisting that she honor the commitment he made to her fiancé.

“I want to be more than your bookkeeper, sweetheart. But then you know that.” He stared at her for a few moments and then left the room.

Rayne took one more look at Mrs. O’Leary who was sleeping soundly and went in search of Glory.

She found her exactly where she thought she would be. Right alongside Mrs. Foster, watching everything the woman did. Thank goodness that Mrs. Foster was a kindly, patient woman. She’d been a godsend since Glory arrived.

“Glory, I have good news for you.” At least Rayne hoped it would be good news for the girl. She seemed happy here, but then considering where she was before this anything would make the girl happy.

“Wossat, ma’am?”

“Come with me to the drawing room and we will talk about it.” Rayne held her hand out and the little girl took it. As they walked together down the corridor, Rayne thought again on how she would love to keep the girl herself, but with the life she led, and with everything in a turmoil with her life right now, Glory’s best place was with Mary Beth.

A family in the country, with lots of fresh air, good food, a loving mother and father and a brother. All the things Rayne could not give her.

They sat side-by-side on the settee and Rayne took Glory’s hands. “As much as I would love to keep you here with me, being a busy doctor doesn’t allow for children.”

Glory’s eyes immediately filled with tears. “Are yer returnin' me ter the bloomin' streets, ffen?” Her chin quivered and Rayne pulled the girl to her chest.

“No! No, no, no. I would never do that to you, Glory.” She smoothed the girls curls back from her forehead. “I have arranged for you to live with my sister.”

“Yer 'ave a sister?”

“Yes. I do. In fact, I have two sisters, but the one I’m speaking of is a wonderful, kind woman and you will love her. She lives in a fine house with her husband and their little boy, Thomas.”

“I'm ter be a maid, ffen? I do learn fast. She wouldn't 'ave ter put me out.” Her eyes grew big.

Rayne hugged her small body closer. “No, Glory. You are not to be a maid. You will be a daughter. Their daughter.”

“I will be 'heir daugh'er?” Rayne smiled at Glory’s interesting speech. She imagined the little girl’s new tutor would have a time of it trying to understand her.

Glory narrowed her eyes. “Woss in it for them?”

It was so sad that Glory assumed she would be forced to work, or that if Mary Beth wanted to make her a daughter of the family that they would gain something for it.

Of course, they would gain something in having a sweet little girl to raise.

“The only thing they want is to make you happy and give you the life a little girl should have. You will learn to read and write and have plenty of food and clothes.”

“Does she knah I'm a bloody rough one?”

Rayne cringed. “You musn’t use that word, Glory.”

She frowned. “Wha' wawd?”

“Bloody.” Rayne whispered it, as if saying it in a soft voice didn’t make it so ugly.
