Hand in hand they made their way to the drawing room. Glory took a deep breath before stepping over the threshold. Rayne squeezed her hand.

They walked up to Mary Beth who covered her mouth with a shaky hand. She stared at Glory, a soft smile on her lips. “Hello, Glory. I am—” She looked up at Rayne.

Deciding that starting off how they will go on was the best way, Rayne said, “Your new mother.”

There was no momentous affinity or instant connection that is only found in fairy tales and fiction books. Glory and Mary Beth eyed each other, both holding back. Mary Beth held out her hand and Glory slowly took it. “'Ah do you do, mum?”

A bright smile broke out on her sister’s face. “I am well, thank you. It is a pleasure to meet you, Glory. We are so happy you will be joining our family.” Mary Beth stood and walked Glory to where Dean and Thomas sat. “This is your new father, and brother, Thomas.”

“’Ah do you do, sir?” She gave a slight curtsy which had Rayne laughing

to herself. Someone must have been coaching the girl.

“I am fine, Glory,” Dean said. “I want you to know that we will try very hard to make you happy to be with us.”

The little girl’s eyes grew wide, no doubt shocked that an adult, this well-dressed and well-spoken man, wanted to make her happy.

“’Ank you, sir.” If Glory’s face got any redder, she would explode.

Dean turned to Thomas, “Say hello to your new sister.”

Rayne knew her nephew to be a very kind, caring young man. She had no doubt that he would eventually be Glory’s champion. She really needed a big brother to look after her as much as she needed parents. “Hello,” Thomas said. “Do you like to play ball?”

Glory turned to look at Rayne. The poor girl probably didn’t even know what he was talking about. Her life thus far had encompassed very little playing and she probably had never even seen a ball.

“Thomas, do you have a ball with you?” Rayne asked. Since they were planning on staying for a bit, Rayne was sure he brought one with him.

“Yes, Auntie, I have one in my satchel.”

“Excellent. Why don’t you fetch it and take Glory out to the garden and show her how to play ball?”

Thomas nodded and stood.

“I will have Walter, who is my employee, show you to the room where you will be staying. I’m sure he’s brought your things there.”

Thomas turned to Glory. “Do you want to come with me?”

Again, she glanced back at Rayne. Rayne nodded to her and Glory turned to follow Thomas from the room.

“I think that went very well,” Rayne said as they all let out a deep breath.

* * *

Edwin stood at the entrance to the drawing room and watched Rayne chatting away with a woman who had to be her sister. Although the two looked somewhat alike, it was apparent from the little bit of conversation he’d seen that Rayne was the more subdued of the two women.

Rayne’s face glowed with happiness, but her sister was more enthusiastic in her conversing, moving her hands around and laughing a good deal.

“Edwin! You’re here earlier than I expected.” Rayne stood to greet him, a welcoming smile on her face.

When would he ever get used to the feelings that erupted whenever he saw her? The time was growing closer to when she had to end her betrothal. She had met with Mr. Faulkner-Jones for dinner, and he was anxious to hear how the conversation went.

“Mary Beth, may I present Lord Sterling to you? He started out as my patient, but has for some unknown reason, turned into my financial advisor and collector of outstanding bills.” She touched Edwin on the arm. “This is my sister, Mrs. Mary Beth Richards, and over there,” she waved in the direction of a man sitting across from her, “is her husband, Mr. Dean Richards.”

Mr. Richards stood, walked to Edwin, and put his hand out. “A pleasure, my lord.” He grinned at Rayne. “Financial advisor, and collector of debts? There must be quite a story behind that.”

Rayne shrugged. “I’m not quite sure myself. I think it just happened. Will you join us for luncheon, Edwin?” Her face flushed a bright red and he realized she must have been embarrassed to have used his given name in front of her sister and brother-in-law.

He cast a glance at Mrs. Richards, and as expected, the woman’s eyebrows practically reached her hairline.