As she began to ready it to be placed over her head, Lizbeth held up her hand. “Wait.”

“What?” Addie asked with a frown.

Lizbeth wrung her hands and walked in circles. “There is something I want you all to know.” She stopped and faced them. “Please tell me if you think I am being selfish in marrying Marcus.”

Addie raised her brows. “Why ever would you say that? Why would you even think that?”

“Because I am tainted.” Much to her embarrassment, tears flooded her eyes, and one rolled down her cheek. “I can’t even have a…”

“A what, dear,” Lottie said as she stroked her hair.

“A wedding night. I’m still afraid from the brothel.”

Addie took her hand and led her to the bed where they both sat. Lottie and Pamela sat on either side of them. “Does Marcus know this?” She handed her a handkerchief.

Lizbeth took the handkerchief and patted her eyes, trying not to have her face all red and puffy when they went down to join the men and the vicar. “Yes. He’s known for a long time. Even before he proposed.”

“Then why are y-you concerned?” Pamela asked.

“Because I feel like he is being cheated. What if I never get over this reluctance to have my husband touch me?”

Addie put her arm around Lizbeth’s shoulder. “I’ve known Marcus all my life. He is a very patient man—”

“—so he says all the time.”

“—and he loves you. Do you love him?”

“With all my heart. But maybe that’s not enough.”

Lottie leaned over to look at Lizbeth. “I have an idea. Why don’t you talk to Dr. Stevens?”

“Dr Stevens?”

“Yes. Dr. Rayne Stevens. You must have met her when Judith was born. She’s a fine doctor, and as a woman she might have some advice for you.” Lottie waved at the others sitting on the bed. “We all have her as our doctor, and I trust her immensely.” Lottie grinned. “Even more impressive is Carter trusts her.”

“As d-does Nick.”

“As does Grayson.” Addie stood. “Enough. It is time to dress the bride.” She pulled Lizbeth up from the bed and hugged her. “I am so happy we are going to be sisters.”

“Me, too.”

She had a family again.

Marcus chatted with Nick who was to be his best man but kept taking glances up the stairs waiting for Lizbeth to descend. He thought she would have come down by now and was growing concerned that she had changed her mind. He ran his finger along the inside of his collar and tried to concentrate on what Nick was saying.

He looked up at the sound of footsteps to see Lottie and Pamela descending the stairs. Lottie walked up to him. “I think you might want to go upstairs and talk to Lizbeth.”

His heartbeat sped up. “What’s wrong?”

Pamela patted his hand. “Nothing, r-really. Just bridal nerves, but I think seeing you will h-help.”

Terrified that he would find his bride climbing out a window to escape he raced up the stairs to meet Addie on the way down. “How is Lizbeth?”

“Fine. She just needs to speak with you.” Addie leaned over and kissed him on the cheek.

He made his way to the room she’d been staying in and knocked on the door. “Lizbeth?”

The door opened and he almost dropped to his knees. She was beautiful, stunning, lovely.