Merry nodded, and he picked up the reins, the jangle of the bells music to his ears. “It has been a very long time since I took a sleigh ride.” He cast Merry a grin.

“It seems to me there are many things you haven’t done in some time. And all of them fun.”

“That’s right. The duties of my title have been foremost in my life for so long, I’ve forgotten how to enjoy myself.” He glanced at her. “But you apparently have no trouble remembering.”

She shook her head and pulled the fur up to her chin. “We must always keep part of the child within us alive.”

“Such philosophy. One of your father’s quotes?”

Merry smiled. “No. My very own.”

They flew past barren trees, ice glistening on branches that stretched upward, reaching for the multitude of stars overhead. The sound of the sle

igh bells echoed in their ears, soon followed by Merry’s laughter.

“This is wonderful. How could you not do this every time it snows?”

“Now with you here, you must remind me.” He tugged on the reins, directing the sleigh to the left. “I want to show you something.”

After about ten minutes he pulled up and brought the conveyance to a halt. The horses snorted and stomped, their warm breath visible in the cold night air. In front of them sat a frozen pond, tucked away amidst a circle of bare trees.

“My brother and I used to skate here all winter when we were youths.”

“How lovely!” Merry leaned forward, taking in the ice sparkling in the moonlight. She turned to him. “We must come back here and skate.”

“Oh, no thank you.”

“Why ever not?” She shook her head. “Perhaps because you haven’t done that either in years?” Her lips tilted in a smirk.

“You are correct, and the last thing I want to do is break my neck.”

He laid his arm along the back of the sleigh and tucked an errant curl behind her ear. The moonlight on her face brought attention to her comely features. “Aren’t you afraid of anything, Miss Chambers?” He lowered his voice.

She swallowed, the delicate muscles in her neck working, causing blood to race to his groin.

“Yes. There are some things I’m fearful of.”

“Such as?”

Merry licked her lips, conveying images of what he’d like her to do with that sensuous mouth. He shifted and drew her closer. “I’ll wager there is nothing that scares you.”

“Not so, Your Grace.” The words slid from her mouth on a whispered breath.

“Penrose. We dispensed with Your Grace a while ago.” He bent toward her, leaning his forehead on hers, his hand cupping her cheek. “Do I scare you?”

She shook her head in response.

Had she discerned his thoughts at the moment, she would be petrified. Despite claiming he didn’t scare her, she was certainly not unaffected by his closeness. Her pulse raced, evident by the throbbing in her neck that appeared almost painful. She drove him mad with her scent, her obvious arousal. He had to taste her, feel those soft lips under his. Gripping the back of her head, he gently rested his mouth on hers.

Penrose must’ve certainly heard her heart thundering in her chest. Was she afraid of him? Yes. Afraid of how he made her feel. And wish for things beyond her grasp that one only found in fairy tales.

As his warm lips covered hers, the light of a thousand candles burst behind her closed eyelids. She whimpered, and he pulled her closer. Everything inside her body throbbed. Her nipples ached where they pressed against her layers of clothing. The woman’s place between her legs throbbed, then moistened. What was happening to her? She’d never felt this before, and although it frightened her, her traitorous body longed for more.

Penrose drew back and held her face gently, brushing his thumb over her heated cheek. “I want you, Merry. Very much. And that should scare you.” Once more his head descended and he reclaimed her lips, crushing her against him. He slipped his tongue in, sweeping over the inside of her mouth, stroking, seeking all the sensitive parts. She tentatively used her tongue to meet his, spurring a groan to rumble from his chest.

He released her mouth and brushed kisses over the sensitive skin behind her ear. Shivers ran down her body.

“Are you cold?”