She felt the blush rise to her face. “I would ask a favor, Your…”


“I seek permission to allow the girls to join me outside.”

“Outside? There must be a foot of snow out there.” He jerked his head in the direction of the window displaying a fairyland of white glistening on tree branches.

“That’s precisely why.” She swallowed a giggle at his puzzled expression.

“I’m afraid I’m confused. Why would you all go out into the snow?”

“To play.” She dragged out the last word.

“Play?” His puzzled expression made her laugh.

“Yes. Cavort. Have fun. Run around in the snow. Throw snowballs. Slide down the hill.” She placed her hands on her hips. “Don’t tell me you’ve never played in the snow.”

He bristled. “Of course. When I was a boy.”

“Ah. Maybe it’s time to put all those papers aside and become a boy again.”

Penrose shook his head. “Nonsense. I haven’t time for that.”

“In any event, may I invite the girls to go outdoors with me?”

He leaned back in his chair, eying her carefully. “That is Miss Jenning’s territory. You should be asking her permission.”

Merry’s shoulders slumped. “I’m afraid Miss Jennings is not too receptive to my requests. Things would fare better if you gave permission. I would hate to see the girls excited and then have their hopes dashed if she says no.”

He pushed back his chair and stood. “Come. We’ll go to the nursery and fetch the girls. I need to stretch my legs anyway.”

The sound of young voices repeating multiplication tables greeted them as they opened the school room door.

“Your Grace,” Miss Jennings tittered, smoothing back her hair. Her cheeks flushed as she curtsied. “What a pleasure to have you join us.” She turned to Charlotte and Clare. “Ladies, please, remember your manners. Stand and curtsy to the duke.”

Both girls curtsied gracefully and wished Penrose a good day. Merry was impressed. Perhaps Miss Jennings was better for the girls. Merry always had too soft of a heart to discipline them.

“Miss Jennings, Miss Chambers would like to have the girls join her outside to play.”

“Play?” Miss Jennings glanced at Merry, her eyes wide.

“Yes. In the snow.”

Both girls jumped up and down and clapped. “Oh, please, we haven’t played in the snow in ever so long,” Charlotte said.

“If that is your wish, Your Grace. I don’t like having their routine interrupted, but of course, I bow to your wishes.” The governess’s pinched face and tightened smile communicated her disapproval.

“Wonderful.” He faced Merry. “They are free to join you in the snow.”

“Thank you.” She turned to the girls. “Come, get dressed in your warm clothes, and I’ll meet you downstairs.”

They quickly curtsied once again and raced from the room.

“Your Grace, if you have a moment?” Miss Jennings stopped him as he meant to leave with Merry.


Merry hurried to her own chamber to put on her outdoor clothes. One of her favorite things to do was frolic in the snow. Perhaps it was a bit undignified and unladylike, but nevertheless, she indulged whenever she had the opportunity.