“Shh.” His head descended and she closed her eyes. Before she could process what was happening, he slid his warm palm against her cheek and cupped her chin, stroking her jaw with his thumb. Tugging her lightly, he pulled her closer and took possession of her mouth. Sparks exploded behind her eyelids. Heat rushed from her belly up to her face, stopping along the way to set her heart to thundering. She slid her palms up Penrose’s chest, resting her hands on his shoulders. Firm and warm.

In a quick move, he crushed her breasts against his hard chest, shifting his head, allowing him better access to slip his tongue into her mouth as she gasped. Had she not been holding firm to him, she would, indeed, have melted to the floor in a puddle of hot liquid.

After plundering her mouth, he pulled back and rested his forehead against hers, his fingers playing with the soft skin behind her ears. “As a gentleman, I should apologize, but I hope I haven’t frightened you.”

Merry drew her head back. “I don’t frighten easily.”

His hands dropped to his side. “I’m sure you don’t, but perhaps in this instance you should.”

She turned and fled the room, her emotions in a turmoil.

What have I just done?

Penrose slumped in his seat, his member rock hard from the kiss he’d shared with Merry. She was everything he was afraid she’d be. Warm, soft, and passionate. Her huge blue eyes, darkened by desire, stared into his before she’d run from him. Despite her enthusiastic response to his touch, she was an innocent. And not someone he should be trifling with.

I will not marry without love.

Too bad she wasn’t suitable, she would make a wonderful duchess. Proud, courageous, and graceful. He grinned. As long as she kept her mouth closed in public. But, oh, how he’d like to rile her in private, and watch all that anger turn into passion.

For him.

He stretched his long legs out and crossed his arms. Her comments about his duty stung. If he truly intended to never marry, he needed to take his brother in hand and prepare him for his role as duke should something happen to him. Brandon also needed to be encouraged to marry and fill the nursery, as Miss Chambers had so untactfully noted.

If he’d thought it a mistake to rely on Brandon when he’d first approached him about his decision not to marry, over time his brother’s lack of interest in the estate confirmed his suspicions. Perhaps he should reconsider, and find a wife for himself. Someone befitting the title duchess, who already had a place in Society.

He groaned at the idea of presenting himself in London, and making the rounds of balls, musicals, and routs next Season to find a suitable bride. Giggling girls just out of the schoolroom would be dragged across the floor by their determined mamas once he appeared. Could he subject himself to several months of that?

Once more, Miss Chambers invaded his thoughts. She of the beautiful face, fine figure, and outspoken manner. He sighed and picked up the candle next to him for his trek upstairs to bed. It was best to forget about the woman. She was not the mistress type, and he would never consider marriage to someone as audacious as the former governess.

But with the state she’d left him in, perhaps it was time to make a visit to his widow friend sometime soon.

Chapter 6

Early the next morning, Merry hurried to the stables to meet Lord Brandon for their outing. Having practically been raised on a horse, she was thrilled to have the chance to ride once again. Bedford Hall had an impressive stable, and she often rode when she had the chance. But amid all the upheaval with Lord and Lady Bedford’s deaths, and preparations for the move to Penrose, she’d hadn’t ridden in weeks.

Ballard led a dark grey mare from the stable as Lord Brandon joined her.

“Oh, what a beauty!” Merry ran her gloved hand over the magnificent horse’s velvet nose. “What is her name?”

“Aphrodite, miss.”

She beamed. “A perfect dub.”

“Good morning, Merry. I must admit this is not my favorite time of day.” Lord Brandon’s drawn face and bloodshot eyes confirmed his words.

“I could ride by myself. I’m an experienced horsewoman.” Her gaze roamed his face. “You do look as though you could use more sleep.”

“No. It would not be a good idea for you to ride alone. You’re not familiar with the land, and I would hate for something to happen to you.”

“Don’t concern yourself, brother, I will be more than happy to escort Miss Chambers on her ride.” Dressed in the height-of-fashion riding clothes, Penrose strode toward them, pulling on tan leather gloves.

Merry’s stomach clenched. The light of day only intensified his good looks. Had those full lips actually ravished hers last night? His glance at her was warm, without the hint of disapproval she’d always seen before.

Be careful. He is a duke, and you can’t afford to allow your thoughts to wander in that direction.

“Miss Chambers would you mind terribly if I excuse myself?” Lord Brandon’s eyes pleaded with her.

“Of course she doesn’t mind. You best search out Cook for one of her tonics.” The duke turned to Ballard. “Is Tafoya ready?”