Brandon’s eyebrows rose. “I’m flattered my comings and goings are of such interest to someone as overburdened as Your Grace.”
Choosing to ignore the sarcasm, Penrose took a swallow of his drink. “I’m interested enough to wonder about the identity of the young lady accompanying you.”
“Ah, Ballard ha
s been talking again.” Brandon stretched out his long legs. “Give over, Penrose, you already know it’s Miss Chambers, so why the games?”
“I merely wish to warn you, Miss Chambers is a governess. A temporary one at that.”
“Surely you don’t begrudge the woman a mount?” Brandon crossed a booted foot over his other knee, swallowing the last of his brandy. He set the glass on the desk, disregarding Penrose’s frown at the wet spot under the goblet. “As for her being short-lived, I suggest you seek out Mother for enlightenment.” Brandon smirked and stood, then bowing slightly, quit the room.
Unable to spare any more time to the mystery, Penrose retrieved ledgers from the bottom shelf of the bookcase, then flipped through the pages as he waited for his steward.
“But Miss Merry always lets us go for a walk in the afternoon. She says it is part of our education.” Charlotte stood with her back straight, arms crossed over her chest, a mulish expression on her face.
“Miss Chambers is no longer your governess. We will abide by my schedule which does not allow for strolls outdoors during regular schoolroom time.” Miss Jennings raised her chin a notch, her face red.
“Lady Charlotte!” Merry entered the nursery in the midst of an apparent mutiny by her former charges.
Both girls hurried to her side, hugging her fiercely.
“Miss Jennings doesn’t do things the right way. She won’t let us go for a walk.” Clare gazed up at Merry, tears rimming her eyes. She stuck her thumb in her mouth and rested her head along Merry’s hip.
“Miss Jennings is now your governess, and she will surely do things differently, pet.” She ran her fingers through the young girl’s silky curls. “But it’s part of your growth, and journey toward womanhood, to be exposed to other routines.” She bent and eyed Charlotte. “And I believe you owe Miss Jennings an apology for the way you spoke to her just now.”
The governess moved forward, lips in a thin line. “Thank you Miss Chambers, but I am capable of handling my charges.” She turned her attention to the girls, still clinging to Merry. “Ladies, you will write a composition on proper manners. I will expect to see the finished essay before dinner.”
Heat flooded Merry’s face at the dismissal. Was the woman purposely attempting to make Merry dislike her? Or was it just her nature to be so abrupt? Someone else besides the girls needed to do an essay on proper manners.
At a nudge from Merry, Charlotte mumbled “Please accept my apology, Miss Jennings.” The girls released Merry and trudged toward the table.
“Miss Chambers, may I speak with you outside, please?”
Merry gave her a curt nod and spun on her heel to leave the room. She waited on the other side of the doorway for Miss Jennings.
“I understand the young ladies have an attachment to you, however, now that I am in charge, I would appreciate you only coming to the nursery upon invitation. Perhaps you may join them for their afternoon tea each day.”
All manner of insulting words raced through Merry’s head, but realizing Miss Jennings only spoke the truth, albeit in a not very nice way, she merely nodded. “I apologize for disturbing you. I shall return for afternoon tea.”
“Not today,” Miss Jennings said.
Merry raised her eyebrows, afraid to open her mouth, less her vicious thoughts spew forth.
“They are being punished for poor manners. Although, I don’t expect their manners to improve until they’ve had good English lessons on deportment.”
After a moment of stunned silence at the woman’s impudence, Merry asked, “Do you speak German, Miss Jennings?”
The woman’s eyes widened. “No, I do not. Every properly brought up young lady should know French and Italian. It is not necessary for one to acquire knowledge of the more advanced languages.”
“Good. Wünsche ein tausend Floh zum ihrem Bett kommen.”
Leaving the confused governess not understanding Merry just wished her a thousand fleas in her bed, Merry hurried away from the nursery, taking gulps of air to control her anger.
She charged down the stairs, muttering to herself until she reached the bottom of the staircase, swung left, and walked into a brick wall.
Penrose grasped her by the arms to keep her from falling backwards. Merry yelped and tried to retreat, but he held her firm.