Penrose eyed the woman the footman ushered in. He nodded in approval. Here was someone, who by her presentation alone, would be much better for Lord Bedford’s daughters than the vixen who’d arrived with them.
Definitely of an age considered ‘on the shelf,’ Miss Jennings marched into the room, her spine as stiff as a board. Her high buttoned gown, severe knot, and no nonsense attitude reassured him of the agency’s choice. He couldn’t imagine for one minute this woman allowing her charges to sit on the floor in the presence of a duke.
“Your Grace,” she curtsied gracefully.
“Miss Jennings,” he nodded. “Please take a seat.”
Penrose picked up the paper in front of him and perused it. “You come with high recommendations.”
“Thank you, Your Grace.”
He leaned back, and cupped his chin with his thumb and index finger, resting his elbow on the arm of the chair. “Your charges are my wards, Lady Charlotte Spencer and Lady Clare Spencer. They are the daughters of Lord and Lady Bedford, who passed away recently. The girls are twelve and nine years of age.”
She nodded.
He pushed his chair back and stood.
“I’m afraid the young ladies have not been schooled in proper etiquette or demeanor thus far. I would say your arrival is most timely.” He crossed his arms over his chest and regarded her. “The woman who has been their governess for the past five years is an American.”
Miss Jennings sniffed.
“My thoughts exactly. Lord Bedford was my close friend, but for a strange reason, he and Lady Bedford allowed their daughters to run amok, with Miss Chambers-their present governess-the leader.”
Miss Jennings tsked.
“I expect you to school the girls in feminine pursuits, preparing for their station in life, and eventual marriage to a peer. At the present time the girls are only prepared to marry a chimney sweep.”
Miss Jennings shook her head, her lips pursed.
Penrose returned to his seat. “I have agreed to allow their present governess to remain, for a brief time, in order to help my wards adjust to their new surroundings.” He leaned forward. “However, I wish to make it perfectly clear that you are to supervise their daily routine, and Miss Chambers is to hold no further influence over them.”
Miss Jennings inclined her head in acquiescence.
“Do you have any questions?”
“None, Your Grace. I will take charge immediately so the poor young dears can start on the correct path.”
The du
ke nodded. “Then I will ring for someone to show you to your room.” He crossed the room and rang for a servant.
Miss Jennings stood as a young maid entered.
“Escort Miss Jennings to the governess’s room. If Miss Chambers has not yet been relocated elsewhere, do so immediately. Also, Miss Chambers awaits me in the drawing room. Tell her I am ready to see her.”
The girl bobbed. “Yes, Your Grace.” She addressed Miss Jennings. “If you will follow me, miss, I’ll accompany you to the nursery.”
Miss Jennings turned to the duke. “Your Grace, I am pleased to be here, and sure we can undo whatever damage the American has done to the poor little girls.” Two bright spots rose on her cheeks, and her long nose twitched. Straightening her already stiff shoulders, she exited the room.
Penrose moved to a chair in front of the blazing fireplace, waiting for Miss Chambers. After several minutes, a footman entered the room.
“Your Grace, the downstairs maid indicated you wished to receive Miss Chambers. However, she is not in the drawing room.”
“Not there?” Where the devil did she hie off to now? He distinctly told her to wait there to be summoned. “Have you any idea where she is?”
“Cook said she went out the back door a bit ago, with the young ladies, and appeared to be heading to the gardens.”
The duke frowned, his jaw tightening. “Thank you. That will be all.”