“They’re not usually this shy, Your Grace, but it has been a difficult month for them.”

“Take your finger from your mouth.” The order, coming out a bit stronger than he’d intended, had two sets of young eyes peering at him in terror.

“Young ladies do not suck on their thumbs, or twist their hair.” He shifted his gaze to Lady Charlotte. “And girls a few years away from being presented to the Queen do not stare at their laps when addressed.”

Both girls returned to their positions on the floor, their heads again buried in Miss Chambers’ skirts.

Penrose sighed. “Miss Chambers.”

The woman raised her chin, eyes flashing, and regarded him. “Yes, Your Grace.”

He chose to ignore the sarcasm in her voice. “I would be remiss in my duties as guardian to allow you to continue to supervise their activities. It is clear to me you have no control over them. They do not possess even a hint of good manners, and certainly not the demeanor required of their station.” He held up his hand as she opened her mouth to speak.

“As I mentioned before, you will be permitted to remain here at Penrose Hall for a week or two until the girls are settled in. I will be more than generous, so you will be able to take time in securing a new position.” He slid off the desk, and moved to return to his chair.

“Wait just a minute, Your Grace.”

Penrose came to an abrupt stop. No one in his life had ever addressed him with such derision. And to think it came from a governess. Horror gripped him as he swung around. “Are you American?”

Miss Chambers stood, both girls entangled in her skirts. “Yes. I am an American. And you, Your Grace, are an arrogant Englishman.”

Blood rushed to his face, his heart thumping at the insolence. Then, without thought, he threw his head back and roared with laughter. This sprite of a woman-this American–had just insulted him as no other in his entire life. Used to bowing and scraping from his peers, and flirting and admiration from women, he felt as though someone had opened a window and let in fresh air. However, as amused as he was at her behavior, she would still have to go. His charges needed a good, English governess to bring them to right.

“Miss Chambers, I will overlook your outburst and attribute it to your lack of proper upbringing. Lady Charlotte and Lady Clare are in dire need of direction that you apparently have not provided. As grateful as I am that you took them under your wing when their parents died suddenly, I must insist on you leaving them into the care of the governess I have secured for them who will arrive on the morrow. Once your presence is no longer needed to secure the cooperation of my wards, you will be released.”

He walked to the far right corner of the room and pulled the bell. Miss Chambers studied him as they waited for the servant he’d summoned. Within minutes, a young nursery maid entered the room and bobbed. “Your Grace?”

“See that Lady Charlotte and Lady Clare are settled. I believe Miss Chambers has been assigned the room adjoining theirs for the time being.” His arms crossed, he looked at the woefully inadequate governess. “The young ladies will have dinner in the nursery. I will expect you to present yourself in the drawing room at precisely eight o’clock to join myself, my brother, Lord Brandon, and my mother, the Dowager Duchess of Penrose, for dinner.”

With that command, he strode from the room.

Merry took a deep breath to keep from racing after the prig and giving him a piece of her mind. Lack of proper upbringing, indeed. Duke or no duke, Penrose was arrogant, condescending, and contemptuous. He’d frightened the girls and affected a most unpleasant welcome. She glanced at them still huddled on the floor.

“Come, let’s get settled in the nursery, and see what fine books and toys are there.”

Charlotte and Clare stood and took her hands. The trio followed the maid out the door and up the stairs. Wherever th

e contemptuous man had gotten off to, she didn’t see him the entire trip. And a trip it was. Even though her former employers, Lord and Lady Bedford, had an impressive home, this dwelling put it to shame. It would take her weeks to learn all the hallways, wings and sections of the place. Except, she reminded herself, the lord of the manor would be tossing her out on her arse in a week or two.

She sighed. Charlotte and Clare had been her charges for five years, and leaving them in someone else’s care troubled her. They’d been a mere seven and four when Lord and Lady Belford hired her during their trip to America. Their nanny had succumbed to a fever, and Merry was only too happy to leave her home behind, where all the young men who had paid her addresses had married elsewhere.

As the daughter of a professor, she’d been educated beyond the expectations of most young ladies, and in fact, most men as well. Although the young bucks who attempted to court her were charming, they lacked the spark she desired in a lifetime mate.

She’d spent hours discussing books, plays and music with her father. Proud of her sharp mind, he’d taught her philosophy, economics, history, and languages. She’d picked up French and German quickly. A duck out of water in her circle of female friends, who only conversed about the latest gossip, gowns, and young men, the chance to travel to England shortly after her father passed away seemed her salvation. At one and twenty, it had been time for a new direction.

“Miss, this is the nursery. If you will follow me, I’ll show you to your chamber next door.” The young maid swung open the door to a brightly colored schoolroom. Small wooden tables and chairs took up the center of the room. A bookcase lined the walls, with puzzles, games and slates stacked on the shelves. On the far side of the room, a door led to what appeared to be a sleeping chamber.

The girls left her skirts for the first time since they’d alighted from the carriage earlier, hurrying to discover the wonders of the bookshelves.

“I’m going to get settled in my bedchamber, which is right alongside this one.” Merry addressed the girls, amused to see they barely acknowledged her as they flipped through books and pulled out puzzles.

The governess’s room was as large as the nursery. Blue and white striped silk covered the walls, broken up by windows on two of the four walls, bathing the area in bright sunlight. A large canopied bed with a flowered quilt and numerous pillows caught her eye as she viewed the room. Her shoes sank into plush carpet. The huge fireplace stood cold, causing her to run her hands up and down her arms against the chill.

“I’ll light a fire for you right away, miss,” the young maid assured her.

“Thank you. That will be nice.”

Merry wandered about the room, examining the dressing table and chair, the empty wardrobe, and more bookcases filled with books. Penrose might be an overbearing brute, but the family certainly took very good care of their governesses. Well, no matter, she wouldn’t be here long. Since the new governess was due to arrive tomorrow, this would probably be Merry’s only night in this splendid room.