A Wife by Christmas
Anyplace But Here
A Dogtown Christmas
Visit my website for more information.
Miss Merry’s Christmas
About the Book
David Worthington, Duke of Penrose dislikes Miss Meredith Chambers, the American governess who accompanied his new wards. He especially detests his attraction to the insufferable woman, and is anxious for her replacement to arrive. Merry is thrilled when the Dowager Duchess Penrose hires her as a companion. Now she can stay with her beloved charges. But can she ignore how her heart thumps when the pompous duke gets close? Two people determined to ignore each other, despite the pull between them, and the sparks that fly whenever they're together.
No man is an island, and no book is written by just the author. Critique partners, beta readers, and editors all play a part in the final product.
My critique partner, Romance Author, Char Chaffin, slapped my hand every time I overused a word or phrase. She brutally cut me off, with no remorse. I love her.
My beta readers, Warren Greene, Romance Author Ella Quinn, and Romance Author Ally Broadfield offered innumerable suggestions and advice. They even caught a mistake or two.
And a special thanks to Ella, who pulled my arse from the flames more than once when I blundered in relating details of Regency life. Any mistakes are mine, and mine alone.
To Aunt Mary. Even after all these years, I still miss you.
Chapter 1
Hamptonshire, England, October, 1813
Miss Meredith Chambers took a deep breath and smiled at the two little girls staring up at her with wide eyes. “Well, it appears we’re here.”
Her smiled faltered when they both grabbed her legs and hid their faces in her skirts. “What’s this?”
“I don’t want to live here,” Charlotte, the older of the sisters, wailed.
“Me neither,” Clare echoed.
Merry dropped to her knees and pulled them both close. “You are the duke’s wards. He is a very important man, your father’s best friend. You will love living here.”
Two curly, blond-haired heads shook furiously.
“Madam?” The front door of the massive house opened, and a tall, thin butler, his nose as long as the rest of him, glared down at them. “His Grace awaits you in the library.”
Merry stood and patted her hair, which had come loose from her knot. Well, no time to fuss with it now. She took one step forward, dragging the two girls with her. The sound of the well-sprung coach that delivered them, its wheels clattering on the cobblestones, rang in her ears, the last link to their old life.
“Girls, release my legs, I am unable to walk.”
They clung harder, causing her to shuffle along like an invalid. When they reached the bottom of the steps, Merry wrapped an arm around each small girl, lifted them, and climbed the steps.
The butler viewed the group without expression. “This way if you please.”
Winded, Merry followed the man, still dragging her charges.
Goodness, the house was huge. The marble entrance hall was filled with delicate tables, over-stuffed Queen Anne chairs, and an immense clock, its sound almost as loud as her pounding heart.
“Madam? Do you wish assistance?”
Realizing she gaped like a ruffian from the street, she attempted to step forward, still impeded by the girls. “Ladies, you must let me go.” They clung tighter. She flashed a smile at the butler, whose countenance remained impassive, leaving her to wonder if a smile ever graced his stoic face.