Ellie raised her finger. “Aha! Just as I suspected. You didn’t even go there, did you?”

“No. Only amusements, rides, things I had no interest in.”

She shook her head. “Poor Max.”

“This is a ridiculous conversation.” He cranked the engine and they continued on.

Her whole family had gone to the Fair. They’d spent over ten days there and didn’t see everything. It was an amazing display of culture, inventions, and what the future would hold. As educators, she and Tori loved the Educational Palace, but everyone in her group had a terrific time at The Pike. Belly dancing, a roller coaster, a Parisian fashion show, displays of wild animals. Acrobats and clowns walked the midway. And the best treat for them all had been an ice cream cone, something none of them had ever had before.

And Max had avoided that part of the Fair. He pulled up a half block from her house. “Why are we stopping here?”

“Do you think I made a good enough impression on your uncle?”

Even in the dark she could see the flush on his face. Max unsure of himself? If he didn’t look so pathetic, she would’ve laughed. “Ye

s. I think you did fine. I’m sure when the time comes Uncle Jesse will give you serious consideration.”

“By the way, thank you for putting in a good word for me.”

She looked directly into those blue eyes. The butterflies started up again. “I spoke the truth. Although we have our differences, I think you’re doing a great job as principal, and I think you’d make an excellent Superintendent of Schools.”

His shoulders slumped with relief. He tucked a curl behind her ear. “There are times I wish I didn’t have a life plan.”

“Really?” She raised her eyebrows. “When?” she whispered as he moved closer.

“Now.” He bent his head, his kiss slow and thoughtful. All the air left her body. When she slumped, he pulled her closer and deepened the kiss. Lights exploded behind her eyelids, and tingles shot from her stomach to her woman’s core.

He cupped her face in his hands and ran his tongue over her lips, nudging them apart. He explored her mouth, touching, tasting. She moaned at the sensations rippling through her. Almost of their own accord, her hands slid up his chest to wrap around his neck. If this went on much longer, she would surely faint.

She inhaled his bay rum scent, the mint on his breath. When he shifted, his muscles rippled under her hands. He pulled back and looked into her eyes. “You’re not in my plan. But God help me, I want you.” She closed her eyes as he kissed her ear, running his tongue around the shell, moving down, kissing the skin on her chin, her neck.

“So soft, so desirable, you’re making me crazy,” he mumbled. His fingers slid into her hair as he massaged her scalp and hairpins went flying in all directions. Once more he assaulted her mouth, his kiss sending new spirals of ecstasy through her. Her clothes felt restricting, her nipples sensitive where they pressed against his shirt.

Finally he pulled away. They were both panting. He slid back to his place, gripped the steering wheel, and laid his forehead against it. Ellie slumped against the seat, attempting to fill her lungs. Once he brought his breathing under control, he looked at her. “I should apologize, but I can’t. I also can’t let this go any further.” He shook his head and cranked the engine.

Ellie closed her eyes. That was it? He couldn’t let it go further? She inhaled a deep breath. Taking this further appealed quite a bit to her right now. Her vote should count, too.

When they reached her house, she didn’t wait for him to come to a complete stop. Her hand flipped the door handle and she exited. Not looking back, she ran up the steps to the porch. Quickly, she tucked her hair in the collar of her coat and entered the house.

The parlor stood empty. Everyone had retired early. She hung her coat on the hook by the door and walked slowly down the hallway to her room. Ellie Henderson didn’t fit into Max Colbert “plans.” Fine, because he didn’t fit into hers either. It would be good to remember that.

After washing and changing into her nightgown, she braided her hair and climbed into bed. Were she a truly modern woman, she would suggest to Max they keep their life plans and move onto the next step in intimacy anyway. There were ways to prevent pregnancy. She didn’t have to fit into his life’s plans.

She tucked her hands behind her head and stared at the dark ceiling. Her body felt restless, incomplete. No longer did she wonder about the sensations of lovemaking. Would any man make her feel like this with his kisses? Or did Max possess something special?

The next step intrigued her. She could do this, being a modern woman. Then the image of the dinner table tonight flashed before her, with Jesse encouraging Tori to have her pie, loving her with the extra pounds. The way he looked at his children as they ate dinner.

Maybe her life plans could change.

Too bad the man she would change those plans for had plans of his own.

Max sat in his automobile after he’d turned the engine off. He leaned back on the leather seat and tapped his fingertips on the steering wheel. The Superintendent’s job remained in his grasp. He could feel it. Jesse had discussed the job itself at length when they’d met in his office before dinner.

Admittedly he faltered a bit when Jesse questioned him at the dinner table, and then asked Ellie for her opinion right there in front of him. He’d heard the senator liked to rattle his candidates. His reputation as a tough lawyer and politician was well-deserved.

Max closed his eyes. Ellie. Never had a woman affected him like that. He seemed to have no control around her. She epitomized everything he would never want in a wife. Not that he had any plans for one, but if he did, Ellie Henderson would be at the bottom of his list. Maybe.

If only he didn’t find her so desirable. When he’d kissed her, their lips fit exactly together, like they were made to connect. Her smell, taste, and feel seemed so right, so perfect. But she was a disaster waiting to happen. He needed to remember that.