Seldom had he been so wrong about something. The music began, and after only a few minutes, it was quite obvious not only was Lady Elise making a muck of it, she was confusing those next to them on either side. Curious glances in their direction turned to tightened lips and sotto voice comments as the dance continued, and Lady Elise stumbled her way through it.
After several more minutes of watching his partner suffer, he took matters into his own hands. Once again they came together and joined hands, but instead of walking in a circle, he tugged her away from the line and practically dragged her toward the French doors. She giggled as they wove their way through the crowd. Not the silly, high-pitched giggle of the young debutantes, but a rich, deep sound that went straight to his cock.
Once they were outside, she leaned against the balustrade and, clutching her middle, released a full-throated laugh. Unable to resist, he joined her until they were both wiping tears from their eyes.
“That was terrible,” she gulped, still trying to catch her breath.
Who was this woman with the ability to laugh at herself? There wasn’t one debutante he could think of who would not have collapsed into a fit of tears and hysteria if that had happened to her on the dance floor. “You were quite serious when you said it had been a while since you danced.”
“Yes. Indeed.” She stood upright and pushed away from the balustrade. “I apologize for embarrassing you, my lord.”
“No apology needed. You have given me the best laugh of the month—perhaps the year.” He extended his arm. “How about a stroll in the garden?”
“Yes. I think I can manage that since I’ve been walking for a number of years now.” She took his arm and they made their way down the steps and into the gas-lit garden. She inhaled deeply. “I love the smell of flowers after rain.”
“And we have had enough of that lately.” Hell, he did not want to discuss the weather with this unique woman. “Why is it that you have not been in Society for some time?” He imagined family deaths and illnesses.
“Polite society would be shocked, and I should probably not tell you this, but I am a bluestocking.” She lowered her voice and glanced from side to side, even though there was no one else about.
He found her delightful and himself enchanted.
“Through and through. A committed spinster and a lover of books, intellectual gatherings, and museums.” She smiled. “There you have it. Lady Elise Smith with all her foils and foibles.”
He stopped and turned her toward him. Reaching out, he tucked a curl behind her ear. “Not foils and foibles to my way of thinking.” Before he could do something stupid, since they’d only just met, he resumed their walk. “So why is it you are here tonight? Is it not the social whirl where ladies attempt to snare husbands?”
She let out a deep sigh. “Papa.”
Lady Elise moved toward a stone bench under an oak tree. He sat alongside her, feeling the warmth of her body next to him, but missing the contact of her arm nestled in his. “Papa has always allowed me my freedom and never questioned my decision not to marry. For some ungodly reason, he decided quite recently that unless I marry, he would not consider offers from gentlemen for my two younger sisters.”
His brows rose. “Not well done of him, I’m afraid.”
“Indeed. You see, our mother passed away when I was ten years and my sisters were six and five. I’ve been the only mother they’ve known since them. Papa knew the best way to have me agree to his plan was to threaten my sisters’ happiness.” She shook her head, the curls at her temples dancing. “So I agreed to attend social functions with the intention of finding a husband.”
He grinned. “A change of heart?”
“No.” Her eyes grew wide and she drew back, looking as though he’d asked her to dance another country reel. “Not at all. I do not want a husband. Ever. From what I’ve seen, they direct their wives’ lives, still maintain their own freedom, and a woman must bear it all with a smile.”
“So I take it your plan is to confuse and cripple every dance partner you have so no one will offer for you?” He grinned, unable to help how easy it was to do so in her company.
She tapped her finger on her chin, pretending to consider it. “That would be a good idea, but no.” She glanced sideways at him, a devilish smile on her lovely face. ?
??What I have decided is to avoid notice by spending time at balls hiding behind potted plants and taking a number of breaks in the ladies’ retiring room.”
“No. It won’t work.”
She eyed him with raised eyebrows. “Why not?”
He touched her cheek. So soft. “You are too beautiful to hide behind anything.”
Lady Elise stilled, and then a slight blush rose from her neckline to her hairline. Had no one ever told her of her arresting appeal? Did she not have a mirror in her bedchamber? No woman who looked like her could avoid men. In fact, were she to dress in ashes and sackcloth, he doubted she would go unnoticed.
“Thank you for your kind words, my lord. But that is still my plan.” She shrugged. “I have no other.”
“Please call me Simon. ‘Tis my given name and my friends use it.” He took her hand in his. “I hope we can be friends.”
Her eyes narrowed. “Only friends.”