Merry took off at a gallop, almost leaving him behind. He squeezed his knees and Tafoya burst forth, soon overtaking the mare. Merry grinned as he passed her, and then urged her mount to catch up. He held Tafoya back so they could race alongside each other. The bracing air rushing past his face invigorated him, producing a sense of rightness and peace he hadn’t felt in a long time.

Eventually, they slowed and brought the horses to a canter, then a trot. “That was wonderful!” Merry exclaimed.

He agreed for an entirely different reason. Her topknot had come loose, with tendrils of curls surrounding her face. The exertion of running in the cold air had put color into her face. She licked her lips and he groaned under his breath, once more wanting to cover those luscious lips with his own.

Suddenly, Aphrodite reared. Merry yelped and attempted to control the beast, but the horse bucked again, throwing her to the ground. Within seconds, the mare turned and raced back toward the stables.

Penrose jumped from his horse and hurried to where Merry sat on the ground. “Are you all right?” He squatted and studied her face.

“I think so.” Merry took a deep breath. “I’m not sure what happened.” She shifted to rise.

“No, don’t move just yet. You’ve had quite a fall, and you need to be sure you didn’t break anything.”

She extended her arms and legs. “I don’t think so. I’m actually sorer on my…. Never mind.”

Penrose helped her gain her feet. When she stumbled against him, he scooped her into his arms.

She gasped, her eyes wide. “What are you doing?”

“I don’t think you’re in any condition to walk.” He strode to his horse and lifted her to the saddle. With one quick motion he mounted behind her.

“This is most improper.” She attempted to cover herself with her skirts, but they’d been twisted underneath her, exposing the bottom half of her legs.

“Don’t concern yourself. We need to get you home and send for the doctor.”

“Oh, for heaven’s sake. I’m fine. I don’t need a doctor.”

“That’s my decision to make.” Urging his horse, they cantered forward.

Penrose tried desperately to ignore the soft body resting on his. Her lemon scent drifted to him, tempting him further. His arm burned where it wrapped around her middle, his fingers itching to ease upward and embrace a warm breast. Thankfully, the ride didn’t take too long, since he feared she could feel his throbbing desire pressing against her bottom.

They entered the stable yard. Aphrodite stood panting, her mouth wet with white foam. Ballard ran his hands over her. “What happened, Your Grace?”

“Something hurt or spooked her, and she threw Miss Chambers. See if you can figure out what caused her to bolt like that. I’m taking Miss Chambers to the house.”

Penrose slid off the horse and reached for her.

“I can walk.”

“Not until the doctor has seen you.” He settled her in his arms.

“You are being ridiculous. I know I’m not injured.”

His lips tightened. “You are my responsibility. You will see the doctor.”

“I am not your responsibility. Furthermore, I know if I can walk or not.” She raised her voice.

“As long as you reside under my roof, you will abide by my wishes.”

“You mean orders. You, sir, are an impossible man.”

“I agree.”

The footman opened the door at their approach, his eyebrows raised at Penrose carrying Merry, with both of them snarling at each other.

“I’m taking Miss Chambers to her room. Please send for the doctor, she’s had a spill from her horse.”

Merry crossed her arms over her chest. “I do not need a doctor.”