The dowager raised her chin. “I make the decisions as to whatever staff I chose to engage. I retain my own funds, so Penrose has no say in how I spend it. If I wish to employ you as my companion, then that’s precisely what I shall do.

“Think,” she urged, “you will see the girls daily. It will be so much easier for them to adjust to the life my son is preparing them for with you nearby. I have not met this Miss Jennings, but knowing Penrose as I do, I can well imagine what she is like.”

Merry didn’t answer, but smiled her agreement. “I would be honored to act as your companion, Your Grace.”

“Then, if you accept, it is settled.” The dowager rose and moved to the bell cord. After a few minutes, a footman appeared and bowed.

“Maxwell, please see that Miss Chamber’s things are moved from the nursery wing and placed in the room across the hall from my apartments.”

The dowager returned to the chair and picked up her tea cup. “We will have such good times.”

Merry smiled. “I hope so, Your Grace.”

“From now on, you must call me Kitty. It is how my family and friends address me, and I hope you and I will be friends.” The glint in her eyes said a great deal more than Merry was comfortable with.

Chapter 4

That afternoon, after returning from a visit to a tenant, Penrose drew on the reins of his horse, Tafoya, and rested his hands on his thighs as he observed his estate. Being up high like this, above his land, always gave him a sense of flying, of freedom. The weight of his title rested heavily on his shoulders today, more so than usual. Many times over the years he had wanted to throw it all off, and like his brother, just go about enjoying life with no accountability, no restrictions.

Now he had the added responsibility of two young girls who needed guidance into womanhood. He had no doubt Miss Jennings would see to their training, but he needed to encourage his mother to take them under her wing as well, to provide the gentle hand all young girls needed. It was certainly unfortunate that Miss Chambers was such a poor influence on them. The children certainly seemed attached to her.

His chest tightened. Never in his life had he met a woman who’d gotten under his skin as the American did. Women were supposed to be soft, gentle, and defer to men’s wishes and commands. In return, ladies received security and protection from men. Those tenets had been drilled into him since childhood. Then along came Miss Chambers with her soft, sensual body, creamy skin, and outlandish impertinence.

When she left the garden earlier, those plump lips smiling at what he thought was a joke on him, he wanted to snatch her back and kiss her senseless. Show her who was in charge, run his hands over those delicious curves.

He brought himself up sharp. It appeared Miss Chamber’s quick departure would be best for more than one reason.

Reluctantly, he returned to the stable, his time of freedom behind him. His steward was to meet with him, and then his solicitor had sent word there were papers he still needed to sign to present to the court for the girls’ guardianship.

His heart warmed at the sight of Penrose Hall rising before him as he approached from the winding path. Built from stone over one hundred years before, the home he loved always bolstered his spirits when he returned. Now with the sun dipping below the slate roof, an ethereal glow surrounded it, creating even more of a welcome.

“Good afternoon, Your Grace.” Ballard, the stable master, tugged on his forelock as Penrose dismounted.

He nodded at the man. “Tafoya needs more exercise. Have him ready for me in the morning-say seven o’clock. I’m going to try to work in a ride each day.”

“Will ye be joining the others, then?”

Penrose frowned. “What others?”

“Yore brother and the new lady.”

“Lord Brandon is planning on riding in the mornings?” Penrose smiled and shook his head as he turned to head to the house. His younger brother rarely saw the light of day before noon. He came to an abrupt halt as the rest of the man’s words penetrated his brain. “What lady?”

Ballard yanked the saddle off the horse. “That new one what’s come with the little girls.”

“Miss Chambers?”

“If that’s her name. Don’t think your brother said.”

Penrose strode away. Why would the governess be going for rides in the morning with Brandon? Of course with Miss Jennings taking over the girls’ schedule, Miss Chambers would have time for a ride. Even with that justification, a sense of foreboding swept over him. She should be furiously writing letters to secure a new position. He needs remind her that her tenure here would soon come to an end.

“Have my brother join me in the library.” Penrose tugged off his gloves and handed them to the footman at the door.

He crossed to a side table and poured brandy into a crystal glass. Swirling the amber liquid, Penrose settled behind his desk, noting he only had about fifteen minutes until his steward arrived for their meeting.

“I hear I’ve been summoned by The Duke.” Brandon sauntered into the library with the perennial smirk on his face and headed directly for the brandy.

Penrose waited until his brother lounged in the chair in front of his desk, glass in hand, before he spoke. “I understand you have decided to take early morning rides.”