On their way back to the house, Mitch leaned over the animal. “Clean through the forehead, right between his eyes.” He took Priscilla’s hand as they walked to the door. “I better not get on your wrong side.”

The tree was decorated, the house smelled wonderful, and Ian was ready for bed. He would sleep on a small cot in Priscilla’s room, and Mitch would return to his house for the night, to return first thing in the morning. If he had his way, they would soon be sharing the large bed at his house.

“I brought some sherry with me since you mentioned your mama favors that. I thought maybe you would like a glass.”

“Sure.” Priscilla yawned as she took the glass from him. “This day has really worn me out.”

Sitting side by side on the sofa, they sipped on their drinks, admiring the hard work they’d done. Priscilla rested her head on Mitch’s shoulder, teasing his nostrils with the familiar scent of lemons and sunshine. He downed his drink and set the empty glass on the table. “I hope you’re not too tired to answer a question for me.”

She sat up. “What’s that?”

He took the glass from her hand and set it alongside his. Then he pulled the small box out of his pocket and got down on one knee. His hand shook as he opened the lid and turned it so she could see the ring. “I want to ask you properly this time. I love you, Priscilla. I want you alongside me for the rest of my life. I think you are the most wonderful woman I have ever known, and it would be a great honor if you consented to be my wife.”

Tears welled in her eyes. She still hadn’t recovered from seeing the two people she loved most in the whole world facing the mountain lion. She’d spotted them through the window and, with shaky hands, removed her Winchester 1910 from her bedroom and raced outside. If ever she needed to be accurate and fast it was then.

The relief she’d felt as the animal dropped was so overwhelming she knew then her life would not be complete without Mitch. As much as she hated to give up her job, her place was with him, and whatever it took, she would be his.

“Yes, I will marry you. I love you, too, and can’t think of anything I want to be more than your wife.”

He blew out a breath and slid the ring on her finger. It fit perfectly. He moved alongside her on the sofa and took her mouth in an explosive kiss that had her reeling. She had to grip his shoulders to keep from tumbling to the floor in a heap.

“I want so much to make love to you right now, but with Ian in your room…”

“It’s not a good idea,” she finished for him. She pulled away. “I better go to bed before we start thinking of ways to change our minds.”

He kissed her hand. “Unfortunately I think you’re right. Good night, my love. I’ll see you in the morning.”

Priscilla walked him to the door where they shared another burning kiss. Once the door was closed and locked, she hurried off to her room, wanting so much to drag Mitch back in. One glance at Ian breathing softly, all snuggled in the cot, and her mind cleared. They would have many, many nights together. Tonight they would behave themselves.

Despite thinking she would never sleep with all that had happened that day, she dropped off into an easy slumber, her thumb rubbing the small diamond on her left hand.

“Miss Cochran. Come on, it’s time to get up.” Ian stood alongside her bed. “Pa’s here and he told me you said ‘yes’ last night. You’re gonna be my ma.”

She opened her eyes and rose up on her elbows. “Yes, I am and I can’t be more excited about it.”

“Me, either. But Pa says you have to get up because he has a surprise for you.”

Another one? “Go tell your pa I’ll be right there.” She threw the covers off and quickly pulled on a dress, not bothering with her corset or putting up her hair. She would have a proper wash and put on fresh clothing after this “surprise” Mitch had for her.

She made her way to the kitchen. Mitch was at the parlor window holding the curtain aside, glancing out. He turned to her. “Oh, I was hoping you’d be dressed.”

Priscilla smoothed her hair back and began to twist it into a knot at her nape when the front door opened. Mama, Papa, and her four brothers all trooped into the house.

Papa walked up to Mitch. “Are you Mitchell L. Beaumont?”

“Yes, sir, I am.” Mitch held his hand out that Papa ignored.

Taking in Priscilla’s appearance, he turned to Mitch. “I don’t know whether to punch you in the nose or shake your hand. First I want to know where you spent the night.”

“Pa went home last night. Me and Miss Cochran slept in her bedroom. I was on a cot,” Ian piped up from the doorway, his eyes large at the crowd in the room.

“Papa, what’s this all about?” Priscilla hurried up to him and grasped his arm.

“This.” He shoved a Western Union paper into her hands. She opened it and read:

Honorable Senator Jesse Cochran (stop) Request permission to marry your daughter (stop) Please consider coming to Dogtown for Christmas (stop) Priscilla misses you and I don’t want Mrs. Cochran to miss the wedding (stop) Mitchell L. Beaumont

“You sent Papa this?”