“Oh, really? That was a proposal? How strange. I didn’t hear it that way.”
“Priscilla…” Mitch skimmed her jaw with his knuckle. “Just think about what I said. I will pick you up for church tomorrow.”
She flounced into the house, closing the door smartly. He jumped back just in time to avoid the clump of snow that slid from the roof. He shook his head and returned home. Ian was still sleeping when he arrived at the house, curled up in his bed. Mitch made coffee and sat in the rocking chair in the parlor with a steaming cup. He’d started a fire in the fireplace, and his little house warmed up.
He looked around, thinking about having a wife once again. The idea didn’t trouble him as much as he would have thought only six months ago.
Before Miss Priscilla Cochran arrived in Dogtown and turned his life upside down.
He glanced up as Ian stumbled into the parlor, rubbing his eyes. “You’re home.”
“I hope you weren’t too worried.”
“A little. Where’s Miss Cochran?”
“I dropped her off at her house.” He waved his son over and pointed to the sofa. “Sit down for a minute.”
“Miss Cochran and I got caught in the snowstorm on our way back from little Emily’s house.”
Ian nodded. “I figured that. Where did you stay?”
“Do you remember the old hunting cabin out by the Old Bridge Falls?”
Ian nodded.
“We stayed there and left this morning right after dawn.” Mitch leaned forward, placing his forearms on his thighs. “It’s not considered proper for an unmarried lady to spend the night alone with a man. However, we had no choice. If we didn’t stay in the cabin we would have frozen to death.”
“Then I’m glad you stayed in the cabin.”
“Me, too. What I’m asking you to do is not mention to anyone that I was gone all night with Miss Cochran. Can you do that for me?”
His son shrugged. “Sure. Can we have breakfast now?”
The simplicity of a child. That ground covered, Mitch placed his hand on Ian’s shoulder and walked with him to the kitchen. “What do you want for breakfast?”
“Coming up.”
Priscilla spent all day Saturday sewing costumes for the Christmas pageant and going through hymnals to choose the best songs for the children to sing. At no time did she allow herself to dwell on what had happened in the cabin the night before. Thinking of Mitch and his hands on her naked flesh brought a rush of feelings that made her restless and kept her from doing the jobs she needed to do.
Of course, if she wanted to change those feelings from warm, lovely memories to anger, all she had to do was remember his proposal. The one she was supposed to be spending today considering. She huffed. As if she would marry a man who considered her some type of penance for an indiscretion. An albatross around his neck for the rest of his life.
Once again she picked up the letter from Mama that had arrived on the mail coach. Nothing seemed to keep Boswick from making his deliveries.
Dearest Priscilla,
Papa and I are very happy that things are going well for you in your new position As much as we miss you, it warms a parent’s heart to know their child is happy and content.
Not much is different here since I last wrote. We enjoyed Thanksgiving, and even though there were twenty-four of us for dinner (I believe – I’m beginning to lose count), I still had an open space in my heart for my missing daughter.
I’m glad you feel as though you are making a place for yourself in Dogtown. Your stories of the children you teach keep Papa and I entertained in the evenings.
Your twin Henry sends his love, and you must forgive him for not writing, but he is always buried under a textbook of one sort or another.
I will close now since Andrew is begging me to take him Christmas shopping. He says he has a wonderful idea for a gift for Papa. At four years of age, I shudder to think what he has in mind. As always, Papa sends his love.