He took her hand again, and it appeared they would play tug of war. He held her hand and gripped her elbow to keep her from pulling back. “Ellie, you’ve turned my whole world upside down. My life plan is out the window, and I’m not sure what’s up and what’s down.”
“I know all this, Mr. Colbert.” Heat rose from her middle and traveled to her face. Her jaw tightened, and she fisted her hands. “I’m an annoyance, trouble, and a disaster waiting to happen. I’m in your way, you would love to get me out of your school, and you hate everything about me.” She raised her chin. “Does that about cover it?”
His lips moved into a slow smile. “No. I love everything about you, and I love you.” He slid onto one knee in front of her.
Tori sniffed, and Jesse dropped his arm around her shoulders and tugged her to his side.
“Ellie Henderson. Will you do me the honor of becoming my wife?”
She sat there, stunned. This man, the proudest man she’d ever met, was on his knee in front of her entire family, proposing marriage. A giggle started deep inside her and she covered her mouth to keep it in. She bent toward him and whispered, “Get up, everyone is watching.”
“I know,” he whispered back. “That’s what I planned.”
“You look silly. Get off the floor.”
“Not until you say yes,” he said, his voice still a whisper.
“What about the superintendent job, and the hours you need to spend traveling. Your desire to remain single?”
“I just asked Senator Cochran to remove my name from the list. I don’t want any job that would keep me from you.” He smiled that lopsided grin, and her heart did a double-time thump. “Besides, I tremble at the thought of the trouble you would get into with me not here.” He raised her hands to his mouth and kissed them.
“What about your plan to marry me off to one of your horrible friends?”
“Merely a lapse of judgment.” His face softened. “I could never stand to watch another man walk off with you. You are mine. I’m just sorry it took me so long to realize it. Well? What do you say?”
“I say you need to get off the floor.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Answer me, Ellie.”
“If I say yes, will you get up?”
She studied him for a moment. “Okay. Yes!” she shouted and threw her arms around him, knocking them both to the floor. The impossible had happened. The very stern, very rigid Max Colbert had put his life plan aside to marry the crazy and troublesome Ellie Henderson. Her heart soared.
Cheers and laughter erupted around the room as they rolled on the floor. Max gave her an enthusiastic kiss and helped her up.
“One more thing.” He placed her on the couch and sat alongside her. He slid his hand into his jacket pocket and took out a ring. “This belonged to my mother. It was left to me when she died. Since you’re so much like her, I’d like you to wear it as an engagement ring.” He slipped the gold ring with a ruby stone onto her finger. It fit perfectly.
“Dinner is served,” Tori announced, blotting her eyes with the corner of her apron. Hugs and congratulations followed the noisy group to the dining room. Max held Ellie back.
“Now that we’re alone, I want to properly kiss my future wife.” He cupped her face in his hands and gently kissed her. When she moaned, he wrapped his arms around her and pulled her close, deepening the kiss. He reluctantly pulled away. “I love you.”
“I love you, too.”
“Dinner’s getting cold.” Jesse leaned against the doorway, arms crossed, grinning at the two of them.
Ellie eyed the mounds of dirty dishes and partially filled serving plates and bowls scattered around the long table. The baby slept in Heidi’s lap, and eleven-year-old Benjamin sat on Jesse’s lap playing thumb war with his papa. Tori looked as though she could use a nap, as did the two pregnant ladies. The end of a perfect Christmas dinner.
She turned to Max, her eyes sparkling. “Do you really love me?”
He placed his arm around the back of her chair and smiled. “Ellie, believe me, I really love you.”
She looked at him from underneath lowered eyelashes. “I can think of a way you can prove it.”
“Isn’t giving up the superintendent’s job enough?”
“Um. It helps. But I can think of another way.”