“It won’t hurt?”

He smiled at her. Her trusting eyes, tinged with a hint of fear. “Since you’re untouched, it will hurt, but briefly. I will go slowly because I want you to enjoy this. That’s important to me.”

Max quickly divested himself of his union suit and stretched out alongside her. Ellie’s eyes widened at the sight of his erection.

“See what you do to me?” Her frightened face melted his heart. She might be a strong woman, but truly an innocent one. His fingers returned to her woman’s core, circling the small nub, releasing the fluid that would ease his way. Two fingers slid in, then a third, stretching her, getting her ready for him.

Ellie moaned, shifted, and turned toward him. Her nails dug into the muscles of his shoulders, her response escalating his own.

Max bought his mouth to her breasts and suckled. Ellie moaned and held his head, running her fingers through his hair. He flicked the rosy nipple with his tongue, circled it. “So perfect.” Her soft skin, scented with rose water, glowed with a sheen of sweat. If he didn’t have her soon

, he would burst into flames.

She slid her hand down his back, working his flexing muscles with her fingers. He eased her thighs apart and moved atop her, all the while whispering words of encouragement. He pushed the damp hair back from her forehead and kissed her gently. Slowly he slid into her tight channel.

Ellie continued to run her hands across his back, not going any further than his waist. He pushed harder and felt the resistance. “Honey, this will hurt, but only for a moment.” Before she could stiffen, he surged forward, breaking through the barrier. Ellie attempted to scoot back, but he massaged her shoulders, murmuring in her ear, kissing her neck. He kept himself still until he felt her muscles ease. Then he slowly began to slide in and out.

His heart sped up. She felt so warm, tight and wet. He groaned, his thrusts becoming stronger as she adjusted to his rhythm and met him with her hips. Her innocent enthusiasm stoked the fire in his blood until he was consumed by need. With one final thrust, his body stiffened and he poured himself into her. He rested his head on her forehead, both of them panting. He looked into her eyes, wide and brimming with tears. “Are you okay?”

“Is that all?” One lone tear trickled down her flushed cheek. “I still feel so restless.”

Max wiped the tear with his thumb and returned his fingers to her sex. “I’m sorry, sweetheart, it shouldn’t have been that way for you, but I’ve wanted you for so long, I got carried away. Now, close your eyes and relax.” He smiled as her lips parted on a whisper of pleasure. After only a few minutes, Ellie stiffened and her body bucked, a soft “Oh” escaped between her lips. Max kissed her and held her tight to his body until the shudders stopped.

Wrapped naked in each other’s arms, they fell into a deep sleep.

Ellie awoke to early dawn light filtering in from the small window across from where she lay. Warmth and comfort flowed over her skin, except for the stick poking her in the back. Her memory returned in a rush. Heat flashed to her face and she pulled away from the spoon-like position she and Max lay in.

“We should probably get dressed and leave.” His warm, thick voice whispered in her ear.

She nodded furiously, scooting further away from his warmth.

“I’ll get dressed first and go outside so you can dress.” He kissed her briefly behind her ear and rose. His clothes rustled as he put them on, and soon the sound of the door opening and closing jolted her into action.

How could she ever face him? No matter, she had to get up, get dressed, and say nothing. She frantically pulled on her clothes, leaving off the corset she couldn’t fasten herself. Usually one of the other women in her house would help her. One day she would burn the damn thing anyway.

Max returned from outside and slowly approached, pulling her into his arms. “How are you this morning?”

She looked beyond his shoulder, chewing her bottom lip. “Fine.”

He cupped her chin and turned her head to face him. “Are you sure?”

Ellie searched his eyes, her shoulders slumped. “Y-y-yes.” She burst into tears.

He blew out a deep breath. “I was afraid of this.” He put his large hand on her head and nestled her onto his chest. “Do you want to talk about it?”

She shook her head.

After a few minutes, he handed her a handkerchief from his pocket. “Why don’t you make a visit outside, and I’ll pack up in here. The sun will be up soon, and we need to get you home.”

The walk to the next farmhouse took only twenty minutes. A layer of snow enveloped the ground, which Ellie would have enjoyed any other time. Glistening snow covering the branches of the trees had turned the entire countryside into a work of art.

The farmer had a can of gasoline he loaned to Max, and after he trudged back to his motorcar and returned for her at the farmhouse, they were able to drive home. Ellie kept silent the entire trip, and she guessed Max was grateful not to have to deal with her tears again, because he said nothing either.

Thoughts raced around her mind. She glanced at him several times on the trip home. He appeared relaxed and even had a slight smile on his face. On the other hand, she had knots in her stomach, her eyes burned, and the beginning of a major headache loomed.

The biggest concern was her lack of remorse. No doubt Max considered her tears stemmed from guilt. Not so. When he’d cupped her chin and turned her to look directly at him, it hit her like a board between the eyes. She had fallen madly, completely, and forever in love with Max Colbert. Her archenemy, and the man who’d told Uncle Jesse he intended to remain single, that he had no desire for a wife and family. The memory of those words cut deep into her heart.

Before the sun fully rose in the sky, they were in front of her boardinghouse. “What am I going to tell Mrs. Beamer?” She chewed on her thumb nail and glanced furtively at the house.