“This is the Ridley house.” Ellie chose a small, wrapped parcel from the back and opened the door.

“What about the basket?”

“I’m not leaving a basket here. Mr. Ridley would never accept charity. This is a small gift for Mrs. Ridley. A book I thought John could read to her.” Her chin trembled, and her eyes filled as she said the last part.

Max’s insides shifted. For all her bluster, underneath Ellie Henderson remained as soft as a marshmallow. But then, he’d seen her softer side before. One minute she was determined as a donkey, bucking heads with him, and the next minute she made him soften inside. Just like his mother.

They climbed the stairs of the white-and-blue clapboard house. An overgrown, and dead garden, lay in waste, visible evidence of Mrs. Ridley’s illness. Ellie pressed the doorbell, and they waited.

Mr. Ridley answered the door. A medium-built man, with thinning hair and a wide middle. His features bore the look of a bully. He wore a pair of denim pants and a red-checked flannel shirt. His pudgy fingers snapped his suspenders. “Yeah.”

“Good afternoon, Mr. Ridley. I’m Ellie Henderson, and this is Max Colbert from Logan County High School. We would like to visit with your wife for a moment, if we may.”


Ellie held up the package. “I have a small gift for her.”

“We don’t want none of your charity.” He slammed the door.

Ellie turned to Max, her eyes wide.

Anger shot through him at the man’s rudeness. Now he was doubly glad he’d hadn’t spoken to him about John’s indiscretion. He knocked on the door with his fist.

After a minute, Ridley opened it. “What?” he shouted.

“Mr. Ridley, Miss Henderson has something for your wife, and I would appreciate it very much if you would allow her to visit with Mrs. Ridley for a minute.”

“I said we don’t want your charity. Now git off my porch.” He leaned forward, his head thrust out, hands fisted at his sides.

Max paused for a moment. “This is not charity. This is a prize your son won at school.”

“I thought she said a gift for my wife.” He spit a stream of tobacco from the side of his mouth and nodded toward Ellie.

“John won this for his excellent work at school, and Miss Henderson thought to wrap it up and present it to your wife.” When Ridley hesitated, Max pressed on. “I’m sure it would make her very happy to know how well John is doing in school.”

The man reached his hand out and snatched the package from Ellie. “I’ll see that she gits it. Now git goin’.” He slammed the door, rattling the doorjamb.

Max clenched his jaw and raised his hand to knock again. This time, he’d likely punch the man in the nose.

“No. Let it go.” Ellie grabbed his arm. “I don’t want to make things worse for the poor woman.”

“That man should be put in jail.” He took hold of Ellie’s elbow, and they headed back to the automobile.

“One of the things our Women’s Rights group is working toward is passing a law to have it a crime for a man to beat his wife.”

“Isn’t it?” He regarded her, eyebrows raised.

“No. He could assault me and be put in jail, but if he beats his wife, the police ignore it.”


“I agree.” Ellie peered at the sky and pulled the blanket tighter around her. ”Looks like it might snow.”

“Once this last basket is dropped off, we’ll head for home.” Max turned to her. “How much further is this one?”

Ellie consulted her notes. “About two or three miles.”

“The sun will be all the way down soon. I hope we make it back to town before then. I can’t very well drive this motorcar in the dark out here in the countryside on unreliable roads.” No sooner had the words left his mouth than the automobile rolled to a stop.