“That is why I am allowing it.”

“Don’t. Say. That. Word. Again,” she growled.

He had the nerve to grin. “I apologize, Miss Sanford. I will re-phrase that. I will have no objection to your plan providing I accompany you and wait in the carriage.”

Lydia sat back and thought about it. She doubted very much if she would be in any sort of danger visiting the Ambassador at the Embassy. However, since this would be their first encounter since the debacle at the inn, it might not be a bad idea to have Dante nearby.

“Very well, then. When I arrive home I will pen a note to the Ambassador, asking for an appointment.”

“And the minute you receive an answer, you will notify me.”

She gritted her teeth. He was so stubborn. “Yes. I will notify you.”

Dante raised a finger. “Also, you will only accept an appointment with him during his normal business hours. No after-hours visits.”

“Of course. I am not foolish.”

Lydia finished the last of her tea and placed the cup in the saucer. After patting her mouth with a napkin, she said, “All right, so why don’t we talk about something more pleasant.”

Dante raised his brows. “Such as?”

“Such as when can I deal cards again at the Rose Room?”


Lydia took a deep breath as Dante’s carriage came to a stop in front of the German Embassy. She had a ten o’clock appointment with the Ambassador. He’d returned her missive for a meeting immediately after receiving it. That was a good sign, she hoped.

Dante stepped out of the carriage and reached for her hand. “Assignment or no, if he gets out of hand, I want you to leave immediately.”

Lydia shook her skirts out and adjusted her hat. “I’ve told you before, with it being only ten o’clock, the embassy is full of people working. I doubt he can do anything nefarious.”

Dante snorted. “I don’t trust the man.” He shook a finger at her. “And neither should you. He’s already tried once to take advantage of you, and he is suspected of passing Crown secrets. I hardly consider him an upstanding individual.”

She patted him on the cheek. “I will be fine.”

He crossed his arms over his chest and glared at her as she turned and walked into the Embassy.

“Miss Sanford to see the Ambassador,” she said when she walked up to the man seated behind the desk. He was a young man, stocky, and pleasant. He bowed. “Certainly.” He waved to a comfortable looking chair against the wall, under a huge mirror. “Please have a seat there and I will advise the Ambassador of your arrival.” His English was flawless, his German accent heavy.

He bowed again and strode away, almost as if he were marching. She smiled, her familiarity with the German people and their abrupt mannerisms was quite telling in the young man’s affectation.

The room was large and airy. Floor to ceiling windows allowed quite a bit of light. The floor was marble, with an image of the German flag imbedded in the center.

Despite it being a normal workday, silence surrounded her, most likely those serving the Embassy hidden away in offices behind closed doors. Within minutes, the young man returned and once again bowed. “If you will follow me, Miss Sanford, I will take you to the Ambassador’s office.”

She followed him through a maze of doors and corridors. Carpet muted their footsteps, and everything remained quiet. They passed a door where she could hear a man’s voice speaking in German. Nothing of interest, however.

Eventually they came to the end of a corridor and her guide rapped twice on the door in front of them.


The young man opened the door and again bowing, waved his arm toward an immense wooden desk behind which sat the Ambassador, who rose to his feet. “Ah, Miss Sanford. How lovely to see you.” He nodded at the young man. “Du darfst gehen. Ich möchte nicht gestört warden.”

So, he did not want to be disturbed? She was sure he hadn’t known she

understood his command. Perhaps Dante had been right and seeing him alone might not have been a good idea. She fumbled in her reticule and wrapped her fingers around the hat pin she had slipped in there. Just in case.

Once the Ambassador was settled in his seat, he said, “May I offer you tea?” He made a face. “I don’t like the drink myself, but you English seem to be in love with it. Give me a good bier.” He laughed at his own joke and Lydia smiled back.