Her head jerked up from where she was studying the list. “What do you mean?”

Dante leaned forward. “I have never met anyone, man or woman, who could speak seven languages. The best educated men I know can’t handle more than three.”

“Perhaps it is time you moved onto higher circles.” She sniffed.

“Touché, Miss Sanford.” He gave her a slight salute. “How does a beautiful woman such as yourself end up working for the Home Office on secret assignments, able to speak seven languages?”

Miss Sanford sighed. “Please don’t refer to my looks, Mr. Rose.” She circled her face with a finger. “What you see here I had nothing to do with. The good Lord provided me with this face and body. I, on the other hand, took the brain he gave me and used it for more than ton gossip, and discussions on the latest fashions.”

“You must have been a pariah among the other young ladies.”

“To some extent. However, much to my disgrace, when I made my debut several years ago, I took on the persona of the typical giggly, blushing, fan-waving young lady.”


“I hated myself.” She looked out the window and he swore there were tears in those beautiful chocolate brown eyes. “One gentleman with the brain of a sheep offered for me. Fortunately, my father was inclined to allow me a say in who I married. I turned him down. As I did more than ten after him.”

Another low whistle from Dante.

She took a deep breath and looked back at him. “It was then that I decided marriage and the typical ton wife existence was not for me. My father was friends with a man who knew Sir Phillip. Sworn to secrecy, I was permitted a visit with the man.”

She shrugged. “The rest is clear to you, I am sure. I now work on secret assignments. Mostly by myself, but on occasion, as now, with a partner.”

“Who is your father?”

“The Viscount Sterling. He is a wonderful man. My mother passed away shortly after I refused my tenth offer of marriage. Father ceased at that point to insist that I attend Society events. However, I do keep up with it because I enjoy being there, as long as I am not considered on the Marriage Mart.”

“You, Miss Sanford, are an amazing woman.”

Much to his surprise and pleasure she blushed. This woman had a spine of steel and for the first time in his life he was interested in a woman for reasons other than her body. Not that he wouldn’t thoroughly enjoy taking her to bed, but she was right. There was so much more to her than her face and form.

He looked down at the paper she’d placed in front of him. “I see the first event is a garden party.” He looked up and smiled. “I shall try very hard not to groan.”

Miss Sanford laughed. “Yes, that is probably not the best event to begin with since I assume you abhor Polite Society, and garden parties are the worst, but the Ambassador and his assistant will both be there, and there is a chance that it is his assistant who is acting as a messenger between the Ambassador and Germany.”

“It sounds like you’ve started this assignment before today.” He hoped he didn’t come across as petulant.

“Actually, yes. Sir Phillip spoke to me about it last week, and I spent the time from then until now doing some pre-investigation of my own.”

“Which you, of course, will share with me.” She might be beautiful and intelligent, but he would not be led around by the nose working with her on this assignment.

“Of course.”

He tucked the list into his pocket and called for the bill. After making payment, they strolled to his carriage where she gave the driver her home direction.

She told him a bit about the Ambassador that she had learned, and he took notes with the small pad and pencil he always carried with him to meetings with Sir Phillip.

Soon the carriage rolled to a stop in front of a luxurious townhouse in Mayfair. “Your father’s home, I assume?”

“Yes. Although he is quite lenient and forward-thinking, he will not permit me my own residence.” She smiled and every bit of common sense he ever possessed flew from his head. He reached over to take her hand and when she leaned forward, he pulled her closer and covered her mouth with his.

She was sweet and tender. Warm and moist. Her mouth tasted like tea and honey. At first, she remained stiff, then she firmly planted her hands on his chest and shoved him back.

The crack from her palm firmly meeting his cheek could no doubt be heard in Grosvenor Square. Without his assistance, she climbed from the carriage and stormed up the steps, her parasol swinging, and her hips s


So. That went well.