“Sweetheart, if it means that much to you, then yes. As long as you do not wander the game floor.”

She looked into his eyes and only saw caring, and maybe even a bit of love. Her heart already belonged to him. That she’d known when she had awaited him at the Ambassador’s theater box, expecting to say goodbye. “Yes. I agree.” There she went, agreeing with him again.

“I must visit the club tonight, to at least see how things are going, and to assure my brother that I am alive and well, and my wife didn’t wear me out.”

She grinned, feeling much better at his light words. “I will go with you.”

He hesitated at first, but then said, “Of course.”

The ride went quickly after that, and soon they were rolling to a stop in front of Hunt’s home. The driver jumped down and opened the door, allowing Dante to step out and extend his hand to her.

The front door opened and a footman stepped out. “Good morning, Mr. Rose.” He beamed in Lydia’s direction. “And good morning to you as well, Mrs. Rose.”

It felt odd to be addressed that way but felt wonderful at the same time. “Thank you.”

They stepped through the door and Diana came hustling down the stairs. “There you are. We were expecting you for breakfast.”

Dante accepted Diana’s hug. She turned to Lydia. “My new sister-in-law!” She linked her arm into Lydia’s and they started up the stairs. “You must tell me all about your trip. Did you see any sights?”

Lydia turned back to Dante who was following them up the stairs and they both burst into laughter.

“Oh, my. That probably wasn’t a smart question now, was it?” Diana raised her hands to her face, attempting to hide her blush.

“Welcome back, boss.” Keniel was the first to greet them as Dante and Lydia entered the club from the back door.

“Good evening, Mrs. Rose.” Keniel took her extended hand and kissed it. “Are you here to keep the players at the vingt-et-un table enchanted with your presence?”

“No!” Dante blurted out the word before even thinking. First, he wasn’t too happy with all the charm oozing from his manager and directed at his wife, and second to suggest she deal cards was enough to have him gritting his teeth.

“Mrs. Rose will be working on the books up in the office.”

“Ah.” Keniel stepped back and his entire demeanor changed. “I am sure Driscoll will be grateful for the help.” He nodded and walked toward the employees’ room.

Lydia turned on him the minute Keniel was out of sight. “That was quite rude, Dante.”

“What?” He was already feeling guilty at his abrupt behavior with his manager, but he’d had an overwhelming sense of guarding what was his that he’d never felt before. And probably had scoffed at his brothers for doing the same thing with their wives.

“He was only asking a question, and considering I’ve dealt before, it wasn’t an unreasonable one.” They started up the stairs to the level where the office and dining room were located.

“No dealing.”

Lydia sighed. “I know that.”

They entered the dining room and Dante immediately poured himself a cup of coffee. It was too early for dinner to be served, which was usually brought up from the kitchen and left as a buffet for him and Driscoll. They had invited Keniel to join them more than once, but he’d always declined.

Tonight he was glad he had.

“Dante, this message came for you a few days ago. I told Driscoll about it, but he said to hold onto it until you returned.” Daniels, one of his security guards held out a folded piece of paper.

“Thank you.” Dante took the missive and opened it as the security guard left. He glanced at the terse words.

I need to speak with you and Miss Sanford. Please attend me as soon as possible.

Sir Phillip

He looked up at Lydia. “It seems we are being summoned by Sir Phillip.”

Lydia removed the paper from his hand and studied it. “He apparently isn’t aware of our marriage.” She glanced up at him. “Maybe he needs to get statements from us.”