“Because you worked there when you were not my wife. My wife will not work at the club. Or anywhere else for that matter.” He pulled her into his arms. “The matter is settled. I will visit with Viscount Sterling in the morning, obtain a special license and we shall be married.”

Strange how those words sat so well with him.

My wife.


“Dante, open the bloody door!”

Dante turned over in his bed and stared at the door to his bachelor flat. “What the hell is going on?”

“If I have to break this damn door down, I will.”

He threw off the blanket and stomped to the door, ready to pummel whoever it was on the other side making that racket. For an instant it sounded like his brother, Hunt.

Dante flung the door opened. “What?” He was immediately met with his brother’s fist to his face. He reeled back but caught himself from falling to the floor by grabbing the table next to him.

He swung back at his brother, but missed him, most likely because he was still half asleep and naked as the day he was born. He moved his jaw and glared at Hunt. “What the hell is this all about?”

Hunt moved into the room and looked him up and down with disgust. “Put some clothes on.”

Dante immediately reached for the top hat sitting on the table and plopped it on his head. “There, I have clothes on.”

Hunt gritted his teeth. “Don’t make me hit you again.”

“Don’t try it, big brother. You caught me unaware the first time, but if you try that again, you’ll find yourself flat on your back.” He walked away and grabbed his trousers from the chair alongside his bed and pulled them on.

“Now to what do I owe the honor of this visit?” Not trusting his brother not to try to hit him again, he stood with his fists at his side.

“Relax, Dante. I came to talk to you.”

“Really? How interesting. All I’ve witnessed so far is shouting, threatening and a cuff to my jaw.” He waved to his rumpled bed. “Won’t you have a seat?”

“No. I’m not going to be here long.”

“Thank God.”

Hunt pointed his finger at him. “Don’t bait me, brother.”

“Bloody hell man, get to it, or I’ll toss you out and go back to bed.”

Hunt drew himself up and stared at him. “You ruined an innocent woman last night.”

Dante dropped his head into his hands. How the bloody hell had Hunt learned about him and Lydia so soon? Another reminder of why and how much he hated the Beau Monde.

“I did not ruin Miss Sanford.”

“Were you caught in the dark kissing and fondling her?”

“No. We were kissing, but believe me, we didn’t get near fondling, much to my regret.”

Hunt growled, his fist drawn back.

Dante blocked him. “Don’t try that again. That’s the last time I’m saying it.”

His brother straightened his jacket and pulled on his cuffs. “You will visit with Lord Sterling this morning and make your offer.”

“Is that what you came here to do? Pretend I didn’t know the proper thing to do when caught in a compromising situation with a proper young lady?”