Sally had been the one designated to help her into the gown. When she looked at Lydia with the garment against her, she shook her head and smiled. “Mr. Rose might want to tell himself he doesn’t have a fancy for you, but I guarantee one look at you in that gown, and he will declare himself for all of London to hear.”


Despite the little bit of practice Lydia had with two of the maids and one security guard at the upstairs dining room table, she still fought the butterflies in her stomach as she walked with Dante to the vingt-et-un table.

“You seem nervous,” Dante said.

“Yes. I am a bit. But I’m sure once I get started, I will be fine.” She looked up at him as he studied her. “That is why I should do this more often.”

He gave a soft laugh. “Nice attempt, Miss Sanford, but once this assignment is over, you won’t be dealing cards at the Rose Room anymore.”

She was surprised at how saddened she felt at his statement. Did that mean she would never see him anymore, either? As she moved to take her position behind the table, she had to fight the tears attempting to force their way out. It would never do to have him see her so weak. If the end of the assignment meant the end of their relationship, then so be it.

What did she expect, that Dante was so smitten that he would begin attending ton events—that he loathed—just to spend time with her? Most likely he was anxious to get back to all the ladies he’d been rebuffing.

Oh, Lord, now she truly was going to cry.

“Is something wrong, sweeting?”

Don’t call me that. I’m not one of your lightskirts.

She smiled, blinking rapidly. “Not at all. I had something in my eye, but I think it’s gone now.”

Either Dante knew her better than she thought, or her ability to conceal her feelings had diminished. He looked at her with concern, which only made her feel worse. She needed to get away from him. Now. Before she made a complete cake of herself. “You can go about your duties. I will be fine.” Ignoring him, she took out two decks of cards and placed them on the table where the punters would see them before she opened the packs.

He hesitated, then said, “Very well. However, if anything happens that I should know about, signal me in some way. I will be watching your table on and off all night.”

She nodded and continued to shuffle. She breathed a sigh of relief when one of the security guards called him and he left to deal with that issue. Lydia checked her timepiece. The club was set to open any minute. She needed to get herself under control. She had a job to do. Well, actually two jobs. She needed to be a skilled vingt-et-un dealer and work on the assignment for the Home Office.

You are a professional, Lydia. Keep yourself focused.

* * *

She had been dealing for about forty-five minutes when the Ambassador appeared at her table. He’d not recognized her the last time she dealt, but she had spent more time with him since then.

Apparently, not expecting to see a woman of the Beau Monde standing behind a table at a gaming club, whipping cards to players, he briefly nodded to her and settled into the seat that had remained empty since they’d opened with a ‘reserved’ sign on it.

When the game they had been in the middle of finished, she nodded at him and dealt to the five players sitting in a semi-circle in front of her. It hadn’t taken her long to become fast and efficient. By the third game it was as if she’d done this all her life.

The Ambassador had a footman bring him a drink, which he quickly downed and then signaled for another one. His playing remained astute, however, and he won a couple of hands.

She’d just raked in the cards from a game when a woman walked up to the table and placed her hands on the Ambassador’s shoulders. She was a pretty woman, but one who had obviously been relying on face makeup to hide her age. Since Dante had told her ladies were not welcomed at the club, but men could bring their mistresses and courtesans, this woman’s low-cut gown and presence at the club signaled her status.

The Ambassador patted one of her hands. She leaned down to speak with him, but he waved her off as he watched the cards being dealt. Once he had his cards in front of him, he moved his chair back and she climbed onto his lap. Not bothering to keep his voice down, he said, “U tebya yest’ moya informatsiya?”

She smiled and twirled a bit of his hair with her finger. “U tebya yest’ moi den’gi?”

He scowled and pulled his head back. “Zavtra vecherom v Adel’fi teatre. V kholle cherez desyat’ minut postle predstavleniye nachala.” He shoved her off his lap and picked up the card Lydia had just dealt him. The woman sauntered away with a smirk on her face.

Lydia quickly translated the Russian in her head.

“Do you have my information?”

“Do you have my money?”

“Tomorrow night at the Adelphi theater. In the lobby ten minutes after the performance starts.”

Lydia almost screamed with excitement. This was what they’d been waiting for! She looked around the room while trying to keep her mind on the game. Dante leaned one shoulder against the wa