Dante thought for a minute. “Let me speak to James.”

When she attempted to follow him down the stairs, he held up his hand. “Stay up here. I suggest you go to the dining room and have something to eat and drink. If you do take over James’s shift, there are still hours to go.”

What the hell was he getting himself into? First it was seeing her only on the nights they had events. Then she ended up asking to see the club. Next, she volunteered to take care of the books on their nights off from the Home Office assignment, at a time when Driscoll desperately needed her help. Now she might very well be working as a dealer.

Lydia was a complete surprise from when he first set eyes on her. There was a rebel inside that woman, chomping to break out. And she seemed able to twist everything he said, coming out the winner in all their verbal spars.

Of course, what she suggested made a great deal of sense. Since Amelia had worked at that table, putting Lydia in there was not a complete deviation from what the club had done before.

He wandered over to James’s table and indeed the Ambassador and the man they’d seen with him at the Lenard’s ball sat in front of the dealer. He slapped the Ambassador on the shoulder, startling him. “Good evening, Ambassador. Are things well?”

The Ambassador offered Dante a tight smile. “Fine, Mr. Rose. Just fine.”

“Glad to hear it.” He sauntered around the table and spoke into James’s ear. “How long has the Ambassador been here?”

James spoke out of the side of his mouth. “About an hour, but he generally plays until the night ends.”

Dante nodded. “You will have a replacement in about a half hour. Act like it’s normal.”

James continued to deal and gave a curt acknowledgement. Dante returned upstairs and found Lydia in the dining room, just finishing up a plate of food.

He pulled out a chair and sat across from her. “James tells me the Ambassador generally plays at the vingt-et-un table until closing.”

Lydia nodded and took a sip of tea.

“I have masks in my office that Amelia used when she was working at the table. If I remember correctly, there is a black satin one there that will fit you perfectly.”

Dante groaned at the excitement in Lydia’s eyes. Was he making a mistake in letting her take over the table? If anyone from the ton recognized her, her reputation would be in ruins. And most likely her father would come after him with pistols loaded and an invitation to meet him at dawn with his second.

However, he was quite sure no one expected to see Miss Lydia Sanford, daughter of Viscount Sterling, dealing cards in a gaming club. That, and the mask should keep her identity secret. Hopefully.

They walked together to the office where Dante pulled out a stack of masks.

Lydia fondled the top mask, a blue satin. “Why do you have so many masks here?”

“Once a year we allow ladies into the club. It’s a special event, and no gaming is offered. We provide music and food. It gives the ladies a chance to see where their husbands spend some of their time.”

“And money.” Lydia smirked and picked up the black satin mask. “This is lovely.”

Dante continued. “It’s a masked event, and since we allow our employees to attend also, we keep a supply of masks as well as gowns on hand.”

Lydia looked up at him. “Allowing your employees to attend is well done, Mr. Rose.”

“We feel if our employees are treated well, they have the desire to do a better job.”

“I agree.” She held out the black satin mask. “This is perfect.” She placed it on her face and tied the ribbons at the back of her head.

“This might just work,” Dante said, studying her. She was still much too beautiful, especially with that gown, to not attract attention, and possibly comments, but he would be sure one of the men stood near her table to avoid any problems.

“I know you said you knew the game quite well but dealing in a club is a little different. I told James to give us a half hour before you relieve him, so let’s go over some rules, and then have you play a few hands.”

They spent about twenty minutes with Lydia dealing the cards to him and three mock players. She stumbled a bit in the beginning, but eventually her playing was smooth enough to take over James’s spot.

“All right. I think we are ready.” He reached out and adjusted her mask.

They made their way downstairs and across the floor. As expected, Lydia received more than her share of looks and comments. Dante gritted his teeth the entire way to James’s table and decided he would be the one to watch her work for the rest of the night.

And to think he’d had the nerve to laugh at Driscoll when he’d done the same thing with Amelia.