“Not right now, kid. Get lost. I’m in the middle of something.”

Julie gasped. “Hunter, it’s ok. Mr. Hawkins and I were just working on something.” She lowered herself to meet his eye level. “I didn’t know you knew who he was.”

The shaggy-haired boy nodded. “I do. I watch all his games.”

“Oh.” She bit her lip. “Ok. Let me talk to him about some things. You and the other boys go back to club.” She shooed them away and set her gaze on me.

“Follow me, now,” she demanded.

“Hell,” I muttered.

I didn’t take orders from women. And not women I had come close to fucking the way I wanted. I wasn’t done with Julie. Seeing her again was screwing with my head, not to mention my dick.

I thought the cutoffs were hot, but nothing compared to how her ass poured into that tight skirt.

I followed her across the field and inside. It smelled like school. It didn’t bring back the best memories. Her heels clacked along the hallway. She was pissed.

We entered a classroom and she slammed the door behind me.

“How dare you?” she growled at me. Her voice was low and dangerous. “Do you know how many words that little boy speaks in one day?” She took a step closer to me. She wasn’t intimidated by the fact I was well over a foot taller than her. “Less than ten, and most of them are the word no. No I don’t want anything to eat.” She jabbed her finger into my rock solid chest. “No I don’t want anything to drink.” Again. “No I don’t need anything.” And again.

I took a step backward as she advanced, bumping into the side of the desk. “And yet when he saw you, his eyes lit up like it was Christmas morning and you were the best present he had ever been offered, and then you decided to be a dick.

“You were a complete and total ass to him and I will be damned if I let you around him or any other children here. Consider your community service terminated!” she screamed.

“You can’t do that,” I replied, not moving from my place against the desk.

“I can and I will. You just watch me.”

“No. Like you said, that little boy showed more excitement seeing me than you have gotten from him ever, right? And if you call the judge and tell him to terminate my community service, then I will go to jail, and that means no more football for me, which means no more role model for him.” I hung my head. “Look, Julie. I fucked up. I shouldn’t have been an ass to the kid. It won’t happen again. I promise.”

“If you so much as wrinkle your brow at one of these children I will pick up the phone and make the call. Don’t test me,” she threatened.

“Understood,” I replied, standing up straight.

“And you need to apologize to Hunter. Make it right, because so help me God, if he hides back in that shell of his because of you, I will skin you alive. Football will be the last thing on your mind. I promise you that.”

“Got it. I’ll see to that now.”


“You done lecturing me now?” I cocked my head to the side.

She was worked up. Her face was red and her breath was as heated as it was last night.

She took a deep intake of air. “Yes.”

“Can we talk about what happened the other night?”

I saw the recognition in her eyes. Damn. In the light of day, they were a beautiful light blue.

She shook her head. “Nothing happened.”

“That’s not how I remember it.” I leaned against the desk, touching her arm lightly as I relaxed now that she had laid down her laws. “I’m here because of you.”


I laughed. “I decked the guy, protecting you.”