“I’m Cal Mantelli’s cousin,” she answered reluctantly.

“No, not that. What are you interests? Skills? Did you go to college? Tell us something about yourself.”

The wine made her feel fiercer than she actually was. The adrenaline had started to fade and she was nervous. She didn’t know if she could handle these two tycoons.

“Yes I graduated the top of my class with a visual arts degree. Why? Are you trying to figure out if that deducts points because I might have operating brain cells? Does that intimidate you?”

Cole pressed his lips together. “No. I like a smart woman.” He rubbed his chin. “I thought you might be interested in a job while you are here.”

Deacon leaned forward. “Cole, we haven’t discussed this. What did you have in mind?”

The men turned toward each other. “We need an artist to design the logo and complete interface for the Rockans Foundation,” Cole answered.

“But that’s a high-level campaign. I’ve been considering candidates for weeks. It’s the pinnacle of the Vegas launch.”

Abby leaned back in her chair while they discussed her. It was no different than Cal.

“She’s here. She has a degree. I think we could use a fresh take on the art,” Cole argued.

“This isn’t the type of project that can be completed in thirty days. It’s our cornerstone.”

Cole smiled. “Perhaps, she’s the type of artist who would like the challenge and would stay beyond the requirement.”

His sapphire eyes landed on hers and her heart stilled. As much as she had tried to be unaffected by them, it wasn’t working.

“I never agreed to any of this.”

Cole exhaled. “I’m trying to make this worth your while. Deacon is right. The art director for this campaign should be a seasoned expert. Someone with years of experience in the industry. Honestly, I think it’s a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for someone without those credentials. Why not take the job for the next month and see what you can do with it?”

“Are you serious?” She cocked her head sidewise. “You’re trying to sugarcoat this with a job offer?”

Deacon smirked. “I’d take it sweetheart. Cole is being more than generous.”

“Right. Of course.” She settled into the chair. “Just tell me. Along with the art, what do I have to do to get your trust so I can leave when I want? Daily blowjobs? Would that work?”

Deacon leaned forward. “You are our guest. You are our travel companion. And we will never order or ask you for anything sexual. Is that understood?”

She noticed how his neck tensed. The easy smile he had faded.

She nodded, yet she didn’t completely believe him. Why else would they want her to stay with them?

“Dinner is at six o’clock,” Cole explained. “We will see you then.”

“Are you dismissing me?”

“Did you need something else?” he asked. “Douglas is in the hall. He will escort you the house. He will show you to your room. You’ll find everything you need there. We will see you at dinner.”

Abby rose from the chair in disbelief. “I’m taking the wine with me.” She clutched the wine and marched out of the office. She had no idea what in the hell had just happened.



He spun around to face Cole. He didn’t know if he had the words to describe what just happened. Shit like that didn’t happen to him. Never.

“Fuck, did you see her?”

Cole shook his head. “Yeah, I saw her.”