“Work up?” It was cute how her eyes got big.

“Yes. You’re so tight, I don’t know how long it’s going to take.”

“But I want you both now.”

“That’s sweet baby, but this is fun too. We like helping you get there.” He wrapped his hand around her waist. “Come on. Let’s get another vodka shot and find Cole. I’m sure he has another dark corner for you.”

“I get to do it again?”

Deacon laughed loudly as they walked into the party. “All night.”



It was surreal. Abby drifted through the party, smiling and shaking hands with wealthy investors in HiTech Global. Deacon introduced her as an artist and his traveling companion to one of the board members. Tomorrow she would be introduced as the woman who had branded Soar.

“You should see her designs,” he complimented. “Nothing compares to what she has brought to the company.”

“Really?” The older man looked surprised.

Under any other circumstance she would have loved to talk about her art, but after the hand-off on the balcony she couldn’t think. Art was on another planet. Her body was in a galaxy of its own, waiting to exist with Cole and Deacon.

“Tell me, Abby, have you planned on seeing the Bellagio’s exhibit while you are in town?” he asked.

Deacon elbowed her in the side, bringing her back to the conversation. She preferred daydreaming in her sex galaxy.

“Oh, the exhibit?” She looked at Deacon.

He nodded. “I plan on taking her before we leave Sunday. Our schedule is full while we’re here, but I’ve heard it’s one-of-a-kind.”

She liked the way Deacon winked at her.

“Good. Good. A true artist never misses an opportunity to see great work. I know you are quite the connoisseur yourself.”

Deacon agreed, “I am. I like to think I have excellent taste in artists.”

Abby didn’t feel like an artist at the moment. She felt like a sex goddess, exploring something forbidden and delicious. She looked around the room and spotted Cole. He beckoned her with the crook of his finger.

“If you’ll excuse me,” she apologized. “I think Cole needs to discuss something with me. Probably about the announcement tomorrow.”

“It was nice to meet you,” the board member tipped his glass in her direction, but she only had one focus—Cole.

“I see you are cozying up to our big backers,” he teased.

She smiled when she reached his arm. “He suggested I see the Bellagio art exhibit. Deacon said he would take me.”

He leaned toward her ear. “I want to take you somewhere too.”

“Oh?” She felt the thrill spread through her body. Not wearing panties was incredibly dangerous. Every step she took reminded her she had left them in the suite for a specific reason.

The black dress hugged her body tightly.

Cole led her to a closet in the hallway. She stared at him. “The coat check?”

He tipped his head. “Ladies first.”

She walked in front of him, spinning into his arms as he closed the door and locked it from the inside.