“That’s enough, Johnson,” Cole instructed him. He didn’t like how this was going.

Deacon stood next to him as Johnson unwrapped the girl from his grasp and placed her feet on the floor. His hands wrapped around her waist while she squirmed free and pushed forward away from him.

For a second, Cole thought the world fell away.

She brushed her long locks from her face. Her green eyes glowered with anger. Her cheeks were flush and her plump lips with in a perfect heart shape. Fuck. His ribs felt as if they were caving in.

She was beyond beautiful. She was stunning.

He broke his gaze to look at Deacon. Cole had no idea what to say.

He realized for the first time, his best friend didn’t either.



Her chest heaved with giant breaths. She threw the man’s arms off her. “Stop touching me,” she spat. “You’re disgusting.” He wore too much cologne, but it was mixed with sweat, creating a pungent odor. It reminded her of the cramped coat closet. It felt as if his scent clung to her leather jacket and sweater.

“Delivered as requested,” he announced. He presented her as if she were some kind of prize cattle at a fair.

“Yes, we can see that.”

She shoved the hair from her face. Abby’s eyes lifted to the men standing in front of her. She felt as if she were a wild cat. Feral enough to pounce on them and attack. Maybe fight her way to freedom. The only problem was she had to get through their hired brute first. She knew he was a wall of pure muscle and outmatched her in every way.

“That’s all we need, Johnson.” One of the men dismissed her escort. “Your payment is in your account.

I made sure it was processed immediately.”

“Thank you. Always a pleasure doing business with you Mr. Rockford.”

Abby swallowed. Did he say “Rockford?” As in Deacon Rockford? Her heart hammered harder in her chest.

Johnson chuckled. “Watch out for this one. She’s feisty. You’ll see what I mean.” He blew her a kiss.

Abby glared at her captor as he retraced his steps to the elevator. Within seconds the doors closed behind him and he was gone.

It took Abby a minute to get her bearings. Riding in the back of a trunk had made her nauseated. She had been roughly pulled into the elevator and deposited in front of two men dressed in expensive suits.

Every possible scenario had gone through her head during the car ride. She never thought she’d end up at the top of one of the tallest buildings in Chicago. And certainly not standing in front of the city’s most eligible and famous bachelors. It wasn’t just any office. It was immaculate. Designed with every detail in mind.

“Now that he’s gone, maybe we could introduce ourselves properly. I’m Cole.” As he extended his palm toward her, Abby’s eyes narrowed.

“I know exactly who you are, Cole Evans.”

He dropped his hand.

“Then I assume you know I’m Deacon Rockford.”

“I don’t really care who you are.” She pulled her shoulders back. “What do you want with me?” She wasn’t interested in stroking their egos with how much she had read about them.

Cole smiled. He had perfect straight teeth. Maybe the best smile she’d ever seen. “Perhaps we could start with a drink? We have a full bar. Anything you want. Are you a martini drinker?”

“I don’t want anything of yours. I want an explanation and I want you to let me go.”

Deacon rubbed his chin. “That’s going to be difficult, sweetheart. At least for the next thirty days.”

“I won’t do it.”