Deacon kissed her neck. “I think so.”



She soaked in the hot bath longer than she ever had in her life. The suite had a computerized tub that would keep the water any temperature she wanted. The bubbles piled high around her. She rubbed her body. What was happening to her?

The guys were at lunch. A business lunch they promised was an obligation they couldn’t miss.

She didn’t know if it made her feel better or worse that they had left after what she had experienced with them.

It was intimate and erotic. Deacon had actually penetrated a part of her body no one else had touched. And Cole had looked her in the eyes and told her he wanted it. He actually wanted to be inside her ass.

She sank deeper in the tub. Holy hell. Things were out of control. Or were they finally in control?

She had something most women would kill for—Deacon Evans and Cole Rockford. The sexiest, most charming, wealthiest bachelors in Chicago. And they wanted her.

Nothing about what happened felt as if it had anything to do with the debt. She played it over and over, searching for signs or red flags, but she couldn’t find any. They had done nothing but given her pleasure. They didn’t ask for anything in return. They hadn’t even gotten undressed. They didn’t demand blowjobs. All they wanted was to make her feel good. Give her more passion and pleasure than most women received in a lifetime.

The bath felt good. She didn’t know if she was ready for this. Whatever this was.

There wasn’t time to talk before they had to rush out for the lunch meeting. She was barely able to talk. She had managed to make it to the oversized tub and figured out how to use the computer to set the water temperature.

They would be back in three hours.

Suddenly Abby wanted everything about her body to be perfect. She stood from the tub and wrapped a fluffy towel around her chest. She padded off to the bed and picked up the resort’s amenities’ listings, bound in a leather book. She scrolled through until she found the spa and beauty section. She smiled.

She pressed the numbers for the spa on the phone.

“Rapture Spa. How may I help you Mr. Evans?” the receptionist asked. Abby realized Deacon’s name must pop up first on the computer system.

“Hi. This is Abby Mantelli. I was wondering if I could schedule some spa services this afternoon.”

There was a long pause. “Oh, Ms. Mantelli. Anything. What can we do for you?”

Abby smiled. “I’d like a wax, mani-pedi, hair and makeup.” She tried to think if there was anything else. “Oh, and a facial. Maybe a massage if there is enough time.”

“Certainly. What time do you need to be ready?” the woman asked.

“I have three hours.”

“I’ll send an entire team to your suite in ten minutes.”

“Ten minutes?” She couldn’t believe it.

“We have specific instructions from Mr. Evans to be on stand-by for you this entire weekend.”

“You do?” She was even more shocked.

“He said to give you the royal treatment. I’ll send your team up in a few minutes.”

“Thank you.” She didn’t know what else to say. She was flattered. Surprised. And it was true, impressed Deacon was so thoughtful. “I’ll be waiting.”

“Yes, ma’am. And if there is anything else you need, let me know.”

“I will.”

Abby hung up and stared at the elevator doors. She had three hours to be the woman Deacon and Cole wanted. Three hours to make her body soft and silky. Three hours to pamper herself and put on that sexy cocktail dress.