He sighed. “That’s not why we do it. Listen. For the past two weeks you’ve done nothing but work. If you would just take a second to get to know us, I don’t think you’d be in such a hurry to leave.”

“Maybe you two haven’t taken the time to get to know me. I’m not impressed by the money. I don’t need money to be happy.” He saw the sudden look of vulnerability in her expression.

“I’m not talking about money.” He walked around to her side of the desk.

She stiffened when his hand covered hers. He could hear her breath quicken. He leaned against her, pressing her body.

“I’m talking about everything else in life, Abby. Pleasure. Happiness. Deacon and I know how to give you that.” He moved away, giving her space as the cool air rushed between them.

“I said no sex,” she whispered.

“That’s not sex.” He took a step back. “There are levels of intimacy we could show you. I don’t even think sex is how you describe it.” He winked.

Her cheeks turned a bright crimson red.

Suddenly, he thought he knew what her weakness was. It wasn’t that she wasn’t attracted to them. It wasn’t that she wasn’t interested. It wasn’t that she was ready to move out.

She didn’t want to be vulnerable to them. She didn’t want to let down her walls. She was like Deacon that way. She wanted to stand on her own.

“I’m going to Vegas because it’s the right thing to do for the foundation.”

“I understand. We couldn’t be happier you’re going.” He inhaled. “You’re a free woman now. Don’t let what happened in the past keeping you from being happy now.”

“It’s not that simple, Cole.”

“But it could be. It could be as simple as the three of us sharing something amazing.”

“I don’t get it.” She shook her head.

“We want to give you something. I swear Deac’s a good guy. Gambles too much. Looks for thrills maybe where he shouldn’t, but Abby he would keep you safe and protect you until he died. Just like I would.”

“You’re just saying that.”

Cole shook his head. “No. I’d never lie to you. Not about my best friend.”

“I don’t know what to say. I don’t know what you want.”

He smiled. “Why don’t we take this weekend to figure it out?”

He saw her eyes sparkle.

“I’ll let you get back to work.”

He strolled to the door.

Walking back to the executive offices was one of the hardest things he had done. All he wanted was to take her in his arms and kiss her. Carry her to Deacon where they could love her together. Show her how they could worship her beautiful body. Take her to places in paradise she’d never dreamed of. But the only way to get to Abby, was to let her make the decision for herself.



When she got home from HiTech Global there were two bouquets of flowers on her bed. There was a note tucked inside the first one.

You’re beautiful when you work. Congratulations—knew you could do it.

