“And that’s bad because …”

Her hands flew in the air. “You’re such an asshole.” She pushed off the desk and walked around to face me. “I told you I’ve tried to adopt him. I’ve told you I tried to foster him. I’ve told you so many personal and private things. You know what he means to me. How much I love him. How I’d do anything to be his mother. And this is what you do? You take him?”

And then I felt the punch to the gut. The swinging uppercut of what she thought I’d done. Double fuck.

“I’m not taking him from you.” I put my hands up in a defensive position. “I’m adopting him—if that’s how this goes—for you. For me. For him. It’s for all of us.”

“What?” Her crystal blue eyes filled with tears.

“I thought the three of us made a pretty damn good team.”

“We do,” she whispered.

“And I know what he’s going through. He needs a home. I’ve got the money to make this happen. I can do it. I know it sucks that it’s because I’m a celebrity. It’s fucking unfair, but let me use that to our benefit. Let me cut through the red tape for you.”

“For me?” She looked completely bewildered.

“I’m not doing this alone.” I dared to step forward and snag her into my arms.

“You want me too?”

I nodded. “Somebody has to do all that bedtime story shit.” I laughed.

“I’m not the nanny.” She pressed her lips together.

I waggled my eyebrows. “Now that is kind of hot.”


“Sorry, serious conversation. It’s just I touch you, and my brain goes right to where my cock wants to go.”

“You are in a school,” she admonished me.

“Sorry. The point is. He needs us. Both of us. And I want this. Both of you.”

She shook her head. “I can’t believe this is happening.”

“We have a long way to go. I think we should hold off on telling him. But Savannah has my attorneys on it. She’s working to get it cleared so I can be his guardian while the adoption paper work begins. It could take at least a year.”

“I know. I’ve researched all of it. It’s a miserable process.”

“Whatever it takes, right?”

She nodded. “Whatever it takes.”

“You forgive me for not telling you?”

She bit her lip. “I do.”

I slapped her on the ass. “Good. Then I’ll see you after clubs tonight.”

“Oh, do we have plans or something?”

I paused in the doorway. “Did I forget to tell you we’re going out with the team?”


I nodded. “Yeah. Wear something very slutty. Very revealing, and something you can be fucked in very easily.”