“Hey, it’s Jenni. Julie, are you still out with Hunter?”

It was stupid, but I looked at the empty backseat of my car. “No, I dropped him off twenty minutes ago. I watched him walk inside.”

I heard the alarm in Jenni’s voice. She was the night time coordinator. Over the past year I’d gotten to know her well enough that she trusted the arrangement I had with Hunter.

“He’s not here.”

“What?” I gripped the steering wheel with my free hand. “Where did you look?”

“Everywhere. We’ve asked all the children. Checked the lounges, the dining hall, bathrooms. Nothing. We can’t find him. I’m going to have to call in an Amber Alert immediately.”

“Oh my God.” My stomach plunged to my feet. I thought I was going to be sick.

“Do you have any suggestions? Anything I could tell the police? Did he mention something today?”

I shook my head. “No. He had a great day at school and an even better day at clubs after school. He actually played with the other kids today. He’s making real progress with Kane Hawkins.”

And that was when it hit me.

“Jenni, I’m going to make some calls. I’m going to start looking for him. Promise me you’ll call me when you find him.”

“I will. Thanks, Julie.”

My ignition was still running. I dug through my leather bag and held up the card I had received a week ago. It had all of Hawk’s information on it.

My fingers hesitated for only a second. I had to do this for Hunter.



My cell rang on the counter, vibrating against the granite. It was the third time in less than ten minutes it had rung. I was positive it was Joe calling again. I had already told him I didn’t feel like going out and partying tonight. I didn’t care that the Warriors were on tonight. Something about them always pissed him off. I wanted to focus on our game. Not what they had going on in Texas.

I pushed myself off the couch. I didn’t recognize the number. I almost didn’t answer, but part of me was fucking relieved I didn’t have to hear Joe’s voice again.




“Yeah, I’m sorry to call you at home and I know it’s late, but—”

There was panic in her voice. Something was definitely wrong.

“Don’t apologize. What’s going on?”

“It’s Hunter. I dropped him off at the group home and now he’s missing. They’re going to have

to call in an Amber Alert. And I’m completely freaked out. Do you have any idea what he’ll go through if the police start looking for him? I don’t think he could handle it.”

“Slow down. Hey, it’s going to be ok. We’ll find him.”

I already had my keys in my hand and locked the door behind me.


“Yeah, I’m coming to where you are. You shouldn’t drive. We’ll find him together.”