Now he had my panties in his pocket. I was turned on more than I ever had been in my life and I doubted I could ever ease that pain without him. Damn it.

He closed the door and I was left alone in the supply room to face the reality of what I had almost just done.

I yanked my phone from one of the apron pockets and quickly typed his name into the search engine.

My jaw dropped when I saw the list of headlines. Shit. Shit. Shit.

Maybe I had dodged a bullet. Womanizer didn’t come close to the list of sins on this guy’s list.

I flipped through article after article about the women. The alcohol. The parties. I sighed. Kane Hawkins was a train wreck. A sexy, smoldering train wreck that could destroy me.

I jumped when I heard another knock on the door.

“Julie? You in there?”

The door creaked open. Hannah popped her head inside. “We’ve been looking everywhere for you, girl. You are seriously in the weeds.”

“The weeds?”

She stared at me with her hands on her hips. “Your tables are backed up.” She smacked her gum.

“Oh, sorry.” I moved toward the door.

“Saw Kane walk out about a minute ago. You wouldn’t have been back here with him, would you?”

I felt the flush down my neck. I was so transparent. “What?” I tried to sound incredulous. I don’t know if I pulled it off.

“Piece of advice, honey. He’s a fuck and run type. No strings attached. You know what I’m saying?”

I nodded quietly. “Yes.”

I followed her down the hallway. “I’m serious. He’s slept with every girl in this place,” she smacked over her shoulder. “And he’s hot as shit, but if you expect a phone call or a steak dinner, you’ve got the wrong guy. Understand?”

I was too embarrassed or mortified to respond.

“Tables aren’t going to serve themselves.” She pointed to my section. How long had I been in the storage room? Every table was packed. But the only one I had eyes on was occupied by a tall, broad football player who had a sexy brunette on his lap.



Kennedy greeted me with a deep kiss. “Kane, baby. Wanna get out of here?”

My hesitation surprised even me. Pops was gone and Joe was sitting at the bar. Some of the other Sharks had joined him.

“Maybe later, babe.”

Her face filled with disappointment. I knew it was probably ridiculous. What was the difference between one pussy and another? But I'd had Kennedy. I knew what she had to offer. Yeah, she fucked like a wildcat, but I’d done that. Something happened in that storeroom just now. Something I hadn’t had time to process. Thinking about the way Julie’s pussy hugged my fingers made my cock hard.

The way she sounded. The way her innocent eyes lit with fire when I touched her. She was already addictive and I’d only known the girl an hour.

Kennedy pouted. “Babe, I just got into town. Don't be like that. Have I failed you yet?”

She gave me one of her seductive smiles, adjusting her breasts. One thing was for sure—she had great breasts. Breasts perfect for titty fucking. The image of her as I thrust my cock between her tits and blast cum all over her face made my blood rush again.

Two for one, I thought to myself.

I wondered if she and Julie would be willing to have a threesome, but the thought was fleeting. I wanted Julie all to myself with no distractions. Kennedy liked to be the center of attention.